Chapter 20

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Beth POV

I call a cab.

It comes and thankfully the driver is a werewolf.

I'm also thankful that the baby is to to small for any heart beat to be heard.

I tell him the pack house and he drives there.

When he gets there I pay him an walk out.

I walk along the trail. sitting on the steps is Jacob with his head in his hands.

"Jacob!" I call out and he lifts his head up looks around not seeing me

"Jacob!" I yell again and he sees me. he runs towards me and picks me up spinning me.

He sets me down. and hugs me normally but with his hand war apes around my head his arm stopping at my ear.

"Beth, what happened?" He asks and guides me to the steps

"Well I was upset because I don't want to face those monsters again. But that's not what's important." I tell him his eyes boring into my skull

I wrap my arm around my torso.

"I shifted to find food." I say feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes," And when I shifted I felt pain. in my stomach." I look up at the miserable sky

"So I thought all of the possible options. But my main was am I pregnant." I say by now I'm full out sobbing and Jacobs got me in a tight brace.

"I went to a corner store and got the tests for it." I tel him wiping my face

"Well w-what did if say?" He stutters

"It said that you going to be a dad." I say and he smiles and picks me up again

"This is amazing Beth! Why are you so down?" He asks

"I'm 17! And your 23! I'm still to young." I yell," I'm not ready for this, I don't know how to be a mom! I don't know what your suppose to do with a baby!" I yell crying and he pulls me back into a hug

"Shh, shh, it's okay. we will get through this. Okay you are going to be a great mom. I believe in you. and when you have this baby, I will be here to help you raise our child." he coos in my ear.

"When should we tell the pack?" I ask him

"Before the other pack comes which is in 2 months." he says, "And by that time since your a were wolf you are going to have your Baby bump. So it won't be to hard. But for now just wear sweat pants and a sweat shirt." he says

"I'm tired. Carry me up to the room." I say slightly smiling

"Sure." he says and pick me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck and fall asleep.

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