Chapter 62

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Beth POV

I sit on the couch watching the commercials go by with my arms wrapped around my knees.

"Beth please look at me." Jaccob pleads siting on his knees next to me.

"Beth! It's been over a month, please I need you, just look at me!" He yells

"Well I can't! I don't want to hurt anybody. What If I hug you and crush your bones. What would that mean for Mason? I could kill him." I say tears brining my eyes.

"Your aren't gunna hurt me, you aren't gonna hurt our baby. Okay, you are perfectly safe." he assured my wrapping his arms around me.

I cry into his shoulder. He rubs my back whispering sweet nothing into my ear.

"I'm sorry." I say ripping my self from his arms.

"Their is nothing for you to be sorry about. Its not your fault. Nothing is your fault." he says moving a piece of my hair from behind my ear.

"How do you know that, how do you know that nothing was my fault? How do you know that when my parents got killed that it wasnt my fault, How Do you know that running here wasnt a mistake. How do you know that me being born wasnt a mistake?" i ask him standing up walking in circles.

"Beth just listen to the words im saying, No one is an acident, so you're not a mistake Ther is a reason for everything. So if the moongoddess deciede that you are a on true Alpha, Then she knows that you are speacil. Their are millions and millions of werewolves on the earth, Alpha's Beta's middle class, and Omegas. But, she choose you because of all the shit you've been through, she knew that you are the only person who could fit the roll. And in 20 years when Mason is old enough for the King roll, he can try for it, because he gets his strength from his mother." he says getting up and grabing my arms and pulling me close.

"How do you know that?" I ask him putting my head on his shoulder.

"Because i just do.''



Okay yes I know it's very short, but I'm on major writers block. and I'm just kinda stuck in the mud.

But if anyone would like to write a chapter by all means go ahead just contact me by messaging me.

Anywho I'm very frustrated but since I'm on writers block the chapter took forever to write so I hope you enjoyed the short chapter.





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