Chapter 35

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Beth POV

"Is that everything?" I ask as Blake brings in the last box for the baby's room.

"Yep. and since Jacob is away for pack duties, I was told to help you." he says plopping down in the seat next to me.

"Alright, afterwords would you like to get some dinner?" I ask him dumping the continents of the stroller box on the floor.

"Sure, I would love some quality time with my sister.


"So that's it I guess." I say sighing

"Yeah, let's meet in an hour on the front porch for dinner?" He says rocking on the ball of his foot

"Alright I'll see you then." we split our separate ways to get ready.

I pick out a nice sweater and some ripped jeans.

I take a shower, get dresses,and do my makeup, I curl my hair into ringlets. I grab my purse and keys.

"Are you ready?" I ask him unlocking my car.

"Yep." we get in and I drive to a quaint little dinner in town.

We take a seat. I look at my menu but Blake keep straining his neck looking for something.

"What are you doing?" I ask him eye brow raised

"I smell something."

He gets up and runs to the front desk. he looks at the girl and she looks at him. they're mate.

He looks at me with sorry but I look back saying go with my eyes.

I finish my dinner and decide to shop around.

I turn around, a mother stands with her baby crying. I turn again, a guy stands yelling at a child for interrupting him and some guy talking, wait, ooohhhh.

It gets me thinking, is this what my kids gunna be like. my thoughts wander to other things.

I become scared, I run to my car and zoom away.

My eyes blur with soo much years that I swerve into the next lane, I wipe my eyes just before I hear a beep, seeing white lights then darkness.

My visions blurred but I make out the faint sound of sirens before I black out again

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