Chapter 71

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(A/N I lied this I promise you is the last chapter.)

Beth POV

Okay so I will admit this, Mother's Day wasn't the best it could have gone with my mother showing up and all. But hey, it's my mom who I haven't seen in like forever.

But anyway at least today we get rid of the horrible other pack.
Connor surprisingly got all the furniture done and everything is put where it's suppose to.

As of now we are giving tours.

It's finally my turn.

"Okay if we could have everyone follow me we will get this done as soon as we can and everyone will get settled in." I tell them all walking backwards into the house.

"Okay so this big brand new home has over 900 rooms, with 748 of them being bedrooms with bathroom connected so technically over 1,000." I say and stop to swallow the spit that had formed in my mouth.

"To our left you will find the kitchen and all kinds of tables. we have hired cooks so no one will burn the house down. Moving on." I say pouting at the kitchen.

Okay so down this hallway are meeting rooms nothing exciting. But Down the hallway and to the left is the hospital. which is not fully done yet we are still waiting on some supplies but we have workers starting on some things already."

We walk further down the hallway.

"Okay and these next few rooms are fun rooms, We have the game room, The sports room, the spa room, and the lounge." I tell them passing a hallway with basically windows as everything.

"If we go down stairs we go down stairs we will find the large training area, the yoga studio, the Fighting ring, and finally a swimming pool and sauna." I tell them pointing to the stairs that go down and we start to ascend up the 5 story high building.

"This floor and for children and their parents so nothing you teenagers need to worry about." I tell them and we go to the next level.

"But this is your floor, and so is the next one. but this is the girls floor and upstairs is the boys floor. so when I'm done you guys get to choose a room and write your name on each your doors built in white board." I reply I take them to each floor and then finally we are done and I race back down to the first floor and out the door.

Some one grabs onto my arms and I turn around.

"What do you want Damen?" I spit

"I want to apologize." he says and I scoff.

"Why should I listen." I say pulling my wrist away from his grip.

"Because I need to tell you something."he says and I purse my lips but don't move

"Fine." I mutter.

"Okay I'm sorry, I never should have done those things to you. I don't know what made me do it. I just regret it and I will for as long as I shall live. I know you probably won't forgive me. But, please let me try. Okay I know I can't be with you. But I am being forced to step down my the elders. So I'm being pushed into the bata position. I just really regret not fining you a chance. I regret it because I will never Be able to have you look into my eyes the way you do Jaccob. I will never have a kid with my mate. I'll never get to be with you. Nad I hate my self every day for it. I know the bond is broken, but every time I look at you I get a pain in my chest. And I will never feel the same for anyone ever. But please I beg you to find it in your heart and forgive me." he says and I can see tears form in his eyes

"Okay," I mutter


"I forgive you. It's been two years, I'm happy and I don't really care for this place anymore. I may have grown up here but it's not home. And I'm sorry you feel that way. You'll find some one eventually. But for now, acquaintances." I tell him and hold my hand out for him to shake which he does.

"Acquaintances." he agrees

"Well I better go I have a kid to care for." I say wiping my hands on my shorts.

"Wait just let me do one thing please." he says and I mutter and okay.

He leans in a gives me a hug. I hug him back. I stand on my tip toes and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you" he whispers in my ear and let's me go grabbing hold of my shoulders. His eyes are rimed with tears

"Goodbye, Damon."

"Goodbye, Beth." he says and with that I run away towards my car with Jaccob in the drivers seat.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah." I nod my head and look out the window. Damon still stands there, His hands in his pockets. He sees me staring and gives me a wave.

And I wave back to the boy who rejected me at first sight.

And I look to the boy who loved me at first sight and smile.

"I love you big bad Wolf" I tell him and he turns and responds.

"And I love you little red riding hood."



Okay so I just wanted to end one better note. I don't want to pull a Veronica Roth and just end with everyone crying and wondering why anyone would do that to her characters even though you will forever love them.

But anyway I know it's short but the epilogue will be either Sunday or Monday or even Tuesday.

I knew it's sad that it's over but we had a good run. I never thought I'd get as many reads as I did.
And I love you all for this amazing experience to just be a writer with close to no haters. I couldn't have asked for a better writing experience.

So thank you so much

But I want every one to comment. I mean come on guys last chapter. For me.

So please please






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