Chapter 59

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Beth POV

"Get weapons ready!" Jaccob yells and we rise our bows

"Fire!" He yells and around 600 arrows fly into the Forrest letting the hunters know that we are ready. War was confirmed to be on Tuesday by an arrow with a note on it.
We got 100 of the strongest warriors from 28 packs around the state.

"Beth go over there and practice setting people on fire!" Jocob yells pointing to my element station.

Connors in a small mountain ash enclosed area 20 feet away.

Zayn has a small patch of dirt that he's working on by making strong dirt walls and deep mud puddles.

Dwaine basically has a kiddie pool and he's making big waves and jets with his. he is going to stay behind the water fall until Tuesday. moves and counter moves as Jaccob would call it.

And me I also have a mountain ash enclosed area and 7 fire proof things to work with. dummies, trees, weapons dummies with armor and weapons, you get the idea.

I star by setting the first unprotected dummy on fire burning it's "heart". then I do some fighting, and finally I turn the metal armor so hot it almost melts.

I turn around to see everyone yelling and throwing metal weapons on the ground.

Everyone looks at me, their hands healing.

"Sorry!" I apologize and everyone goes off to get a quick drink break. I try to get out but hit the force field preventing me from leaving. stupid mountain ash.

(A/N mountain ash is something we're it's like a force field and whoever made it can destroy it. unless your Scott Mcall, then you just walk right through it.)

"Hello? Can someone get me out of here!" I yell waving my arms and Carl runs over to me.

"Sorry dear I forgot." he says separating the ash with his hands

"It's okay." I tell him patting his on his shoulder and heading to the drinks table.

I grab a Gatorade bottle and chug it down. earning a few stares.

Jaccob comes over to me and comes close to my ear.

"Can you go into the woods and get me some beaches for a demonstration?" He asks kindly

"I sure can." I tell him happily throwing my bottle in the over flowing trash.

I head into the woods and start breaking branches and putting them in a pile.

"Aw how cute?" Someone says from behind me.

"Who's their." I ask my claws growing and my dang-things growing and my eyes turning the deep shade of red

"Only your new best friend." the guy says

"Come out with your hands up!" I growl

"Fine but don't yell." the person says calmly walking out from behind a tree.

"What do you want." I snarl

"Just to talk." the man says outing his hands behind his back.

"What about." I say and I hear the yells and snarls of wolves fighting by the house

"You, but I'm afraid not here." he says pouting sarcastically, of you could pout sarcastically.

"Then where?" I snarl and growl

"You'll find out when you wake up." he says and someone cuff my wrists together and someone else puts a gag in my mouth. I try to tell but it comes out muffled.

They push me to the ground and I roll to my side.

"Nighty night." the man says before kicking me in the side of the head and all I can see is darkness.


I wake up with my arms chained behind my back. I not hanging but I'm in a smelly sell with water dripping from the celling.

"Hello? Is any one there! Help!" I yell and fear strikes the pit of my stomach.

"Oh don't worry no ones going to hear your screams." the man smiles sickly from the other side of the bars

"What do you want with me?" I yell at him

"Only to use you. but don't worry I make it fun. Well for me."he smiles and start to laugh. he turns around and walks away laughing.

I look down the halls and I see whips, shackles, and all kinds of sick things.

Tears fill my eyes.

I'm never gunna make it out of here.

I silently cry in this Torture chamber. I miss Jaccob. I miss My brother. I miss Connor. I miss Jennifer. I miss everyone.


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