Chapter 33

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Beth POV

Okay so we got almost all yeses for everything. but we can't start because it's snowing more then it does in the North Pole!

I mean, almost 6 inches! That's a lot! but worst if all I can't play in it because if my baby.

Speaking of, my stomach has gotten bigger just a tinny bit. but I can tell. no more tight fitted shirts for me.

Any who Jennifer has been har boring her mate in my bedroom. and I'm not sure Jacob knows.

So he's going to meet him today so that's gunna be an adventure.

And it's her birthday so hopefully it'll go well.

She said she didn't want a party. so she's not getting one.but I still got her a present. it's an iPod. shh!

I eat my cereal in peace for about 10 minutes before I'm interrupted.

"Hey Beth what dress should I wear today? The red one? Or the blue one?" Jennifer asks holding up 2 dresses

"The blue one. I say and direct my attention back to my food.

"I agree." Darek SARS from behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

They whisper to each other, laughing every once and a while.

I smile at them then dismiss my cereal.

I walk back to Jacobs and my room. our room. I like that.

I lay down and turn on the tv but I don't pay attention.

Mine and Jacobs date had to be canceled because of Jennifer's birthday.

Avengeline joins me right as some yelling starts down stairs. we cuddle under the blanket and watch Nemo. a but scared for our friends safety.

We hear loud footsteps. the door swings open and and a grumbling Jacob comes in and goes straight for the bathroom.
He starts the water for a shower.

He doesn't come out for almost an hour and when he does he goes straight to his office.

"I better go see if he's okay." I say getting up and heading down to his office

I open the door and walk over to where he's sitting and straddle my legs around him. I rub my hands on his chest before I I kiss his cheek and hug him

"Thanks, I needed that." he whispers in my ear and hugs my back. he kisses the top of my head then looks me in the eye. and I look back at him

I could just drown in those eyes. those beautiful green eyes that remind me if the forest.

"I love you." he says

"I love you to."i respond



Hey guys I know this is not what you've been waiting for. but I'm having writers block and can't think.

But I want to assure you Fridays chapters will normally be the ones where on Saturday I'll be saying sorry for not updating because I was busy. I have a lot to do on Fridays and won't always get to update so I'm just warning you know.

And I also want to say I like comments about the chapter more then I do votes. so all you vote onliers out their comment more. I love replying.

And I'll also be doing some Q&A comment questions or tweet me questions my twitter is @fangirlingluv so you can also follow me if you'd like.

Well bye I love you all thanks for reading!!😊😊

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