Chapter 17

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Beth POV

They wheel me out if the hospital with my breathing hanging on the handle clanking with all the metal of the back rest

"So..... what do you want to do?" He asks me

"Can we go golfing? Like in the dark?" I ask him and he lifts me into the passenger seat and folds up the chair

I reach down and pick up my air tank

I gave decided to name him Philip after Hazels air tank because why not

"Nope sorry too much movement, how about lunch and then we go see a movie?"

"Okay, we haven't had much together yet." I shrug and he pulls out of the parking lot and into the freeway

"We've had lunch together." he says scrunching his face up with confusion

"No like we haven't gone out for lunch, or breakfast. with the matter of we only go out to dinner." I say and he stops at a red light and looks at me

"Well where do you want to go?"

"How about....... Nados," I say and he furs his eye brows together

"Isn't that just in Australia," he asks the light turning green so he speeds forward

"Well their are only a few in the great state of Virginia, and we happen to live near one." I say with a smile and I fix my tube that goes into my nose because it was hurting

"Well what does it even serve?"

"I've been their once with Jennifer and Avangeline, it's mainly a grilled chicken place. But it's possibly he best chicken in the world." I tell him and look out the window

"Well if it serves chicken we are going." he says and types the address into his phone

3 hours later

The food was delicious and I couldn't have asked for a better lunch

Jacob pulls into the movie theater parking lot

"So what to you want to see?" He asks helping me out of the car and setting me in my wheel chair with Philip

"How about...... Mockingjay part 1." I say and he buys two tickets to the movie

"Popcorn?" I ask as we pass the refreshments

"No butter or candy, you know that." he says as we enter the theater and pushes me to a handicap seat and he sits down next to me

(A/N I don't know how Mockingjays gunna go since I'm not seeing it till next week so I'm just gunna skip past this)

I come out the movie theater with tears, I've been crying since I saw the beaten bird ion of Peeta

"Hey why are you crying it was a great movie?" Jacob says smiling and laughing

"Peeta can't die!" I yell and everyone looks at me

"Haven't you read the books yet?" He asks wheeling me out to the Parking lot

"I'm only on Catching Fire."I cross my arms as he lifts me up to the car and does everything he needs to and then gets in the car and drive to the pack house

I'm finally coming home

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