Chapter 48

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Beth POV

The chilly February morning would be the best. The nice cool air. The beautiful landscapes. But as for the moment, all I can do is cry.

My baby is still sick. at 3 pounds the hospitals smallest baby isn't something you normally get from an Alfa, omegas baby's are even better.

I've gotten flowers, cards, stuffed bears, balloons, but none of that is use full. What am suppose to do with it. The flowers will just die, cards are pointless, I'm 18 I don't really need stuffed animals, and balloons deflate. Stuff like that's sweet but it's all pointless. When the one thing you want, is out of your reach.

Jaccob comes up behind me and runs his hands up and down my arms. I turn around and look him in the eye. I fall into his chest and let all of my sorrow, my pain, my everything out onto his chest. I can tell he's holding back the will to cry. But I know he wants to. this is his son. His first born. future leader of the pack.

I feel a little wet spot on my neck. he's crying. He's finally letting it out. He's doing it but silently.

"Alpha? Luna? May I speak to you." the doctors says from behind us. I wipe my eyes and nod my head.

We follow her out to where the baby's are being held. (A/N I couldn't remember what the place was called)

"You son is stable," we let out a breath of relief,"For now, at the least. he's on a feeding tube and should make it through. we got him up to 4 pounds this morning. Now since we have gotten him stable he should be able to leave in a month or 2, so we need to fill out a birth certificate. so here is the form and I will get back to you." she hands us the form and walk away. our baby is doing okay. he will be okay. I smile at the thought and we head back to my room

Date of birth:/ 2/14/15
Time of birth:/ 11:56 a.m.
Full name:/ Mason Aromas Stone
Parents name:/ Jaccob Tyler Stone
Beth Rose Stone.

We decided to put stone instead of white because we didn't want Mason when he grows up and looks at his birth certificate and wonder why his moms last name is different from his dads.

Little baby Mason. Little baby Mason the strongest, baby their is.
Little baby stone future alpha, future king, future? We can never know the future or what will come, but we will know who will be there with us.




Congrats to @_Midnight_Wolf_ for coming up with Mason and @LostSoul0056 for the middle name of Mason Aromas Stone

Sorry the chapter was soo short. I just wanted to put a filler and here it is.

An extra thanks to all the people who contributed names you're all rock stars and I envy you for being brave enough to comment names.

So please


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