Chapter 28

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Beth POV

As soon as I utter those 2 words the crowd goes dead silence. so quiet you could har everyone's breathing.

Then, I see a movement, it's a large one I should add. and then I notice it's my brother.

"Beth." he whispers and gets up From his seat.

"Beth!" He yells and runs from his seat and runs up to the stage and jumps onto the stage.

"Beth!" He years again and before he can reach me Jacob pushes in front of me blocking me from Blake.

"Let me see her!" He yells a Jacob.

"No, not while she's carrying my child." He says sternly but I reach up and whisper into his ear.

"I want to talk to him." he turns back to me then looks at the crowd

"Your all dismissed." he says but no one moves, "You Are Dismissed!" He yells and everyone leaves

"Let me see him." I whisper in his ear and soon he moves.

I walk with the help of Jacob all the 3 ft to Blake.

I tell him he can let go and I take baby steps and fall into my brothers arms

I can feel the hit tears run down his face. I can hear the sobs.

"Blake." I whisper and he pulls away but his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." he repeats over and over again. and I keep reassuring him it's okay and I forgive him. but I don't why. I should be yelling and screaming at him.

I think what it would have been like to have been him. to be all alone I'm his only family left.

No mom, no dad. Just me.



Hey guys I know this is short but hey it's a chapter

Picture to the side is Blake --->

Song is miss you by Ed Sheeran

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