Hey guys

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So no this isn't a chapter sorry😖 maybe at tge end I'll put something little

But it's more of a hey let me explain what the crap is going on and what a red wolf
Well in the real world red wolves are going extinct and their is like only about 200 left
And like 100 of them are being kept captive like animals
Well you know they are animals but whatever

Any way what Beth meant by she's the last element is that she can poses powers
Elements are like fire, water, ground, peace.

But peace was extinguished by the hunters never to be seen again

Basically if your a element your going to live a very very very long time

And by the last element she meant she was the last one discovered because earth and water were found 4 years back
Twin brothers, Dwan, and Zayn.
Dwan is water. Zayn is earth
Any who Beth has the rarest power fire hasn't been seen in 47 years years it was to believe that if the moongodess decided you were worthy then you are picked
She sees it as soon as the baby starts showing characteristics that show potential in them
So Beth can, make fire balls, start fire, heat a room to intensity were you can suffocate from humid air, put fire out, pretty much everything that makes stuff hot
Elements were put into this world to protect and they can not be defeated.
So if you've read this long then I love you because you get to read a short chapter
(Btw on Friday I leave for a weekend trip so their won't be another chapter after this for about 3-4 days)
Beth POV
We leap down from the tree when Jacob mind links me and says he's off pack territory
We shift back into human form and go to the swings in the back yard of the pack house

"Soo..... did you see my wolfs fur. Its changed." I say with a smile but his eye brows fur together

"You fur changed m?" He questions

That's the whole reason we're over here!

"Yes" I say

"Oh sorry, I guess I was to alert to notice." he says and takes my hands in his and I lay my head on to his shoulder

My eyes feel heavy, but I try to keep them open, but I can fight it. I let them flutter close and let the darkness take over.

~~Jacob POV~~

She falls asleep so I carefully pick her up as carefully as I can and lift her up and carry her inside

I take her inside and into our room

I lay her in the bed and take off her shirt and short and replace them with one of my y-shirts and basket ball shorts

But not in some sick twisted way.

Once I finish I grab what I think is a make up wipe and carefully wipe her makeup off

Once I finish I get in bed in the opposite Sid of her pulling the covers up and wrapping my arms around her waist and simply fall asleep with my beautiful mate

My second chance mate

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