Chapter 15

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Beth POV
I wake up to a cold bed
Jacobs not there but in his spot lies a note
Which read

Dear Beth,
I'm very sorry that I was not here when you woke up, I was forced out if bed by my father and didn't want to wake you. so I just left with a kiss on your forehead. But Jennifer and Avangeline said they would keep you company like a girls day.


I set the note back down and go to the bathroom

I start the shower and undress myself

I hop in and begin to scrub the delicious smelling vanilla shampoo and body soap on
After that I stand in the shower and let the water droplets bounce off my now tan skin.

I step out and wrap a towel
around me and go into my closet

I pick out my undergarments and get a jean like button up shirt, with black leggings and a gray beanie.

I paint my nails a sparkly gray and grab my metal necklace with a folded intricate design that looks like paper.

I lace up my brown combat boots and grab my purse backpack thing and head downstairs

The delicious smell of chocolate pancakes hits my nostrils and I race to the kitchen

I finish my 2 pancakes and begin to look for Jennifer and Avangeline

I find them watching Pretty Little Liars and once I step foot into the room they shoot up

"Wow, that was fast." I say surprised

"Yeah well we're exited to go to the mall and the car dealership." Avangeline says with a smile and grabs my rust and pulls me to Jennifer's convertible

"Wait car dealership?" I ask confused I only got my permeant like 5 months ago because I had to be a chauffeur for my brother and ugh Damen.

"Yeah you take your drivers test and then we get a car so let's go." Jennifer says and pulls me into the car and speeds down the road to the drivers place

I'm taken to another car with a man with a clipboard


34 minutes later

I stand I front of the camera while they take my picture for my license

They take it and hand me a temporary one and tell me that I'll get my real one in the mail
I walk into the waiting room and the 2 girls shoot up and I show them my license

"Yay! You got your license." Jennifer screams

"Yay, now can we go." I pout and they give in

We drive to the mall and once we're inside I take a big breath
The sweet, sweet smell of pretzels and cinnamon rolls hit my nose and I purr with happiness

But then I feel the pain in my stomach like my stomachs twisting in knots

I let out a scream and I feel my legs buckle and I fall to the floor

I begin to cough and blood splattering out. another scream louder then before

Jennifer and Avangeline rush
to my side a hold my arms
I hear yelling for someone to call the pack doctor

considering the biggest pack in America has a mall on our lands

But the faint sound of an ambulance is the last thing I hear before black and red dots dance in my vision and darkness takes me

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