Chapter 47

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Warning some things in the chapter may be uncomfortable to read. you have been warned

Beth POV

The last 24 hours gave been the most painful and scariest moments in my life. I was just being my normal self until it happened. the scariest thing a pre mature mom could ever experience.

You're all pretty confused aren't you let's just go back 24 hours.

24 hours earlier

"Jacob!" I yell and grab my abdominal and scream and yell. Why does it hurt so much.

"I'm coming, what's wrong?!" He says running to my side

"I can't ahh*insert yelling noise here* take me to the hospital. now." I yell and throw my head back as hit tears roll down my face.

"Uh..... Oh god please help us." He murmurs and slides his arms under my legs and and back.

He runs through the pack house. people immediately getting out of his way. but I'm there just whimpering and crying.

"It's gunna be alright. you'll be alright." he assured me and enters the hospital.

Doctors rush over with a bed and wheel me away running. Jacob running with them.

"What's going on?" He asks as we turn into a room.

"The baby's trying to see the world just a little bit early." one of the nurses say and I throw my head to the side and cry harder but silently.

"Beth, Hunny, we're gunna give you some epidural, is that okay?" One if the nurses asks/says

"Anything just please take away the pain." I almost yell. Jacobs at my side holding hand.

"Okay, but for now we just need to get you into a hospital gown and wait for your water to break. so we will give you some pain medication that will sooth the pain for a little bit okay." the nurse says and injects my arm with a clear liqued and immediately the pain goes down. I let out a sigh of relief .

The nurses help me up and into the gown them they hand me a cup if water.

After a while my legs got tired so I laid back in the bed. After a while Jacobs parents came in with the stuff I packed for the hospital. Ellie puts my hair up in a high ponytail.

The medication starts to wear off a and I guess that was perfect timing cause a warm liquid came out of my body.

The pain took over my body and I started to moan in pain.

The doctor comes into the room with 2 nurses.

"Hey doctor O'Brian." Jaccobs parents say

"Hey." she says and fixes my legs onto those things and I grab Jaccobs hand and look into his eyes. his eyes that fill hope and fear all mixed together.

"Let's have a baby." he whisper only loud enough for me to hear.

"Okay Beth I'm gunna need you to push."

I push.


Pain, that's all I can feel. I think they forgot about that epidural. uh oh probably not the good thing. Or they put in too early

"Okay I can see his head. I need to push really hard. can you think of something that angers you. it will help." she suggest

And my first though it Damen. then my brother. then the hunters that killed my brother.

"Okay that's great. keep thinking about what your thinking about

I let out a yell. sweat beads on my forehead and I squeeze Jacob's hand even harder to the point where he grunts.

I push one more time then it's relief. but I don't hear anything. why don't I hear anything!

The doctors cut his cord with out consulting Jaccob. they put him on a table and start to do test on him.

Hot tears fall down my face. Jaccob looks at me. I can tell he's fighting tears.

A premature baby. And it's Valentines day. What a wonder ful gift.

Then the most beautiful sound ever. I cry. A little baby cry. a whale even.

The do gets wrap him in a soft blue blanket

"Alpha, Luna, I congratulate you with a baby boy." Dr. O'Brian hands him to me.

He has his fathers eyes. his Fathers beautiful eyes.

"Jaccob." I look at him and tears fall down my cheeks

"Yeah." he whispers with a smile still looking at are beautiful boy. the future Alpha.

"We made a baby."


Now that was 24 hours ago.

But 5 minutes after I was handled my bundle of joy the doctors took him away to keep him alive.
And I haven't seen him since.

3-4 months early

I just want my baby.



Okay okay yes I'm a horrible person I know. yes I admit it wasn't the happiest chapter

But I'm giving everyone another chance to choose a baby name.

And I will postpone the chapter until Tuesday. because I can't write 2 chapter in 2 days. that's just difficult. And I'm just a muggle.

But after Tuesday I promise the Tuesday Friday Sunday schedule will be back on track

And the only baby name I have now is hunter, I need some more.

But don't forget to





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