Chapter 61 pat 2

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CAUTION; this chapter has almost R rated content. Tou have been warned.

Beth POV

the nurses rush to me imedatly Looking at the gash marks on my back and stomach. They ttake some of my blood inot testing to see how i resisted the serums. Thye lay me down on a bed and ket me fall into sleep.

Jaccobs fighting hard. Blood coming out of his nose. He throws a hinter to the floof and wraps his hands around his neck. His face turns red and blood comes out of his mouth nose and ears before he falls dead. Fur sprouts out of his cheekks and claws come out of his fingers.

He stands up and scouts out his next victim. but and arrow flys right into his shoulder. He pulls it out yelling ing the process.

He looks around and runs farther into the woods.

The scene changes to Jennifer fighting. She gets hit over the head with a rock nocking her out. They grab her arms pulling her through the snow and into the woods

I shoot up breathing heavily. I look around the hospital room and I pull the IV and the monitor off of my arm. I slip in my shirt and pants and escape out through the window. I run into the woods and an arrow whizzes past me missing my face.

I run farther into woods the snow melting as I step. The anger boils hotter to the point where I'm actually streaming as the snow hits my skin.

An arrow fly hitting my shoulder. I suck in the pain and pul the stope out and it starts to bleed.

I shift into my wolf charging faster then ever before. I come into a clearing where Jennifer's being held by her neck.

She's trying to pull the mans hands off her neck. She kicks her legs, and gasps for air.

"Beth." she says her voice strained.

I growl and bark at the man a smile forms on his lips. he lets go of her and she falls to her knees gasping for as much air as possible.

I shift back into my human the clothes forming back into my body.

"Well isn't it little ol' reject Beth. Did you come to get the shut beaten out of you. again." he says laughing

"I think you are the one getting a beating." I say my eyes flashing red.

I star at his shirt and it erupts in flames. I focus on his head and his hair starts to smoke.

He yells and falls down putting his body into the snow.

I shift again and a road almost comes out of my mouth. I pounce onto his back.

I put my snout to hg next to his ear and bark so loud that Jennifer screams and holds her ears.

The mans ears start to bleed. busted ear drums. he won't even live so it's not gunna matter soon.

He reaches trying to grab a branch. but I jump in front of the branch and bite down hard onto his wrist. I unlatch my jaw and spit the blood out into the already very pink snow.

"Stop! Please... I-I surrender." he pleads trying to sit up.

But I just growl louder.

I lump on to his chest biting his neck and ripping the skin of. he starts to gasp. and I put him out of his misery by ripping out his breathing tube (a/n I don't know if it's called that)

His face turns pale and his head falls to the side as his last breath escapes his mouth.

I shift back into my human form the clothes forming onto my body.

"Beth!" Jennifer says running into my arms

"Jennifer! Are you okay?" I ask looking at the bride that's starting to disappear on her neck.

"I'm fine. But what was that. no wolf has that power. That's the power of the rarest type of alpha ever alive. and he died 100 years ago." she says staring into my eyes as I breath heavily.

"I don't know?" I tell her truthfully.

"Well I do know." a voice says from behind me.

We turn around and a woman in a white dress with a glowing completion says. The Moongodess.

"What are you doing here?" I say breathless

"I'm here to tell you that when I visited you the first time I wasn't lying. I said that you were something special. And you are. You are the strongest Wolf in the country. You are a true Alpha to all packs in America. That's why you are the Element fire. Because means fury in the wolf language. You are full of fury and strength. So I grant you title of the American Alpha." she says smiling.

I feel all kinds of power surge into my body. my eyes glow the red that they are.

"But my lady, there never was title of American alpha?" I question

"Their was once. In 1700 a man named Azar was the Alpha of America. but he was killed in the Revolutionary war. and no one had as much strength and courage or even the kindness that he had until you were born." She says walking towards me.


"No more buts. I must go, but I wish you good luck." she says and begins to fade.

"Beth." Jennifer says from behind me. I turn around and everyone's there.

"We bow to you." Jaccob says smiling. every one gets down on one knee bowing their heads.

"You are the one true Alpha."



Okay I know that was a lot to take in. but that was out rising action. So in our last 10 chapters of will all make more sense.

And I'm making a new schedule.

Only Saturday's and Tuesday's now.

So the book will seem to last longer.

So if your confused please comment and I will explain beat I can.

And for all of the Teen wolf fans that are reading this. I didn't get the true alpha thing from the show. Considering she has killed and her and Scott are way different when it comes to what the Alpha positions.

So let's just





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