chapter 41

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before we start i want to name some countries or whatever and i want people to comment if that's where they live.

North America

South America





any place else comment here.

thank you for contributing.


Beth pov 1 moth later

i had to brush away the pain of my brothers death. its only been a month but im starting to feel better. not a whole lot, i mean this is my blood we're talking about. the only sad thing is Blakes mate killed herself a few weeks after he passed so.

well anyway, things have cooled down around here and today we are opening the first new unit to the pack house. the game room. yay!

the game room has been stocked with anything a gamer could wish for. Xbox 360 and one, ps4, apple computers, games, movies, an old timely arcade game things that has games like PAC-man, dig dug, space invaders, extra. but its pretty cool. yesterday we had a "screening" if you could call it and 10 select pack members got to us every thing before everyone else. it was bushels of fun.

so a pack meeting will be held in 20 minutes outside the doors of the new unite and we are gonna have a small celebration with soda. chips, wings, hot dogs, your basic party foods. and its gonna be 13-25 only so just teens an Young adults. So it should be a lot of fun. especially since i get to cut the ribbon with my big scissors. I'm SO excited i could explode.

"sweetie we have to head over to the party now so i can set up for te pack meeing." Jacob says with his now overprotective self. once i turned 5 months pregnant something in his eyes changed and he has canceled any Alpha meeting in the next 4 months and i have to go everywhere woth him. and its getting pretty annoying when i come out of the bathroom and hes just standing there. like seriously move before i chomp your head off!

"Yes, I'm coming don't worry." i slip my shoes on and walk downstairs.

I go into the game room and start to adjust things like a tilted computer a rapper on the floor stuff like that. that takes about 15 minutes. as soon as I'm done I stand at the podium and look at some of the things I have to mention during my speech.

I look around at roughly 200 eyes all looking back at me with eager eyes.

"Welcome teens and young you may know about 3 months ago I came up with this project and it ends today. This wouldn't have been possible with out the fundraising of all of out amazing schools, clubs, and adults. so can we get a round of a applause for them. *clapping sounds*
It's time for the cutting of thou ribbon." I pick up the large scissors and take them over to the Robbin and snip it in half.

I step away and open the door and everyone rushes in. i smile at Jacob who's arms are crossed behind me.

after everyone in i walk over to him and he wraps his arms around my torso and pecks me lips. He smiles down at me and i smile back.

"Don't you want to go in and see your master work." he asks  but i shake my head.

"no ive spent my past 5 days in their im sick of all those electronics" i confess

"well little red ridding hood, what would you liked to do today?" he aks sniling

"Hm, well im feeling very mini golfy." i smirk at him


"Yeah! hole in 1! How does it feel to be loosing to a pregnant woman?" i laugh at him

"Ha HA" he mokcs and pulls me by my waist towards him and kisses me and i try to push away but give up.

"such a beautiful couple." an older lady says as she passes by with her grand children who look no more then 5.

we both smile at her and her wraps his arms around me from behind. i stare up and look into his eyes and ge looks in my. he moves his head down and kisses me long and pashonite.

i turn around and bury my head in his cest and hug him and he hugs me back and kisses the top of my head.

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