Nice to meet you!

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I apologize for updating late, I just had a lot in mind for the book and I need to chose a route. But those of you that's sticking with the book, thank you!


- Koolaid

Elizabeth P.O.V

Waking up I felt sleepy and grumpy but someone wanted to come knocking at my door early in the morning.

"Who is it?" I asked, frustration evident in my voice.

"Jr" a sexy voice came from the other side of the door.


I opened the door for him and walked to the kitchen, to find myself a snack.

"Well, good morning to you." he said, walking in with a confused look on his face.

"Bae I'm sleepy, you wanna go to sleep with me." I asked him sitting on a stool at the island with a piece of Sarah Lee Cheese Cake.

"Yeah, we can nap." He said

"Good, you took Kamron to school?" I asked, leading the way to my bed room.

"Oh shit I forgot him at home." He said with a panicked look on his face.

"Oh my god, King what is wrong with you? Who does that?" I asked stopping in my tracks.

"I'm just playing girl, He at school" he said laughing at me. I went into the room once making my way up the stairs.

"You play to much" I said getting into my bed. He got into the bed, took his shoes off in the process.

"Shut up." He said getting under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me to him. I poked my lips out for a kiss and he kissed me.

"Goodnight bae" I said

"Good Night."

Upon waking up I see Jr laying down still, but he was watching tv.

"Morning" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Now I get my 'morning' when it's almost evening?" he smirked looking down at me.

"Better late then never." I said getting out the bed, to take care of my 'morning' hygiene.

"What you want to eat?" He asked from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I don't know. We'll probably eat at my dad house." I replied putting toothpaste on the toothbrush.

After brushing my teeth, I wiped my face then got out my make-up today I didn't wanna do the most but I decided on putting in a little.

Leaving the bathroom I went to my closet to find something casual to wear. Looking at my wardrobe, I decided on the outfit I brought about a week ago, when I went shopping with Jada.

After finding an outfit I went to my room to put it out. Jr wasn't in the room, so I took that time to get ready.

"You look nice" Jr said walking into the room.

"Thanks." I said putting on my last shoe.

"Can we stop at my house before we go to your dad house. I came unprepared." he said, after texting in his phone.

"Yeah sure, we taking your truck? I don't feel like driving." I said putting my phone in my purse.

"Yeah" he said before answering his ringing phone.

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