Welcome to my crib!

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King P.O.V

After Elizabeth and I made it official we got to seeing more of each other. Most of the time, I'll go to her house, she never been to my house thou.

"What you doing?" She asked me while I was checking my Instagram.


"You have one?" She asked


"I never made one." I patted my lap and she came and sat down.

"Where yo phone?" I asked, she pulled it out her back pocket and put the code in. I downloaded the Instagram app and open up registration. she sat there in my lap and watched me make her page.

"What you want your username to be?" I asked, looking up at her from the phone.

"I don't know make something up."

"Imma follow myself, so I can be your first follower."

We laid down for a long time, I was basically showing her how to work Instagram. She fell to sleep in my lap, laying on my shoulder. I laid her down and put her under the covers.

"Give me a kiss" she said without opening her eyes. I softly kissed her lips then she curled up and went back to sleep.

Since she was sleep and I didn't have nothing else to do, so I texted Devin to check on things with the warehouse.

Me: what da business is?

Devin: Shyt, things been moving by smoothly, you can come by tomorrow to check the books and shyt.

Me: Dats kool with me.

Devin: unless yo bae don't have work.

Me: Bruhh, you stupid.

Devin: I bet

After I texted Devin I got under the covers with Elizabeth and fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her.

Elizabeth P.O.V

When I woke up I felt something holding me. I turned around and King was sleeping, with his arm wrapped around me. I couldn't believe I actually went to sleep on him, but I was kindly happy he didn't leave. After we made it official things only got better between me and him. He made me happy when I wasn't really in the mood to be happy and believe it or not he had made an impact on me in the little time that he's been in my life. I love to kiss him, let him hug me, I like when he just kissed me all over my face, I even like when he tickled my bottom lip when we kissed. I don't want to down talk Tyler because when we had good times I really loved him, but the times with King made me feel cared about way more, He didn't push things, he let me decide.

"You mind telling me why you all up in my face?" Jr asked opening his eyes smiling. I hadn't realized that I was watching him sleep. Creep.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice." he pulled me into him more and kissed my lips.

"It's okay ma, I watched you for a while, until I went to sleep, so don't be embarrassed." he noticed that I was embarrassed about him catching me looking at him, so I guess he was trying to make me feel better.

"Oh really?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Yep." He raised up a bit, grabbing my face and kissing me. This Guy.

"I'm bored." He said relaxing back in his original position.

"What you wanna do?" I asked him.

"I don't know, something!" He said grabbing the remote.

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