100K Worth?

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Okay readers this is my 6th chapter already and I started the book yesterday.! I need y'all to vote and comment for me. Let me know how y'all feel bout some of this stuff! Help me get my book out there!

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- Koolaid

Elizabeth P.O.V

After my shift at the hospital I left, before I went home I stopped a McDonalds. Walking throught the door I hear Tyler and his friends watching TV in the living room. I was tired and I truly didn't feel like being borthered with Tyler nor his friend.

"Hey Liz." His friend Mark said once he seen me.

"Hey Mark!" I said putting my keys on the hanger on the wall by the door. I walked upstairs to my room and immediately got into the shower. When I got out the shower I put on my mandatory hygiene products and brushed my teeth. Realizing that I didn't get a water bottle, to drink with my food, on the way up I went downstairs to the kitchen to get one.

"Liz!" Tyler yelled from the living room.

"Stop yelling so loud! What do you want?" I said looking over the bar in the kitchen.

"Whats wrong with you?" He said getting up from the couch walking into the kitchen.

"I'm tired and you yelling for no reason." I said going into the refrigerator for a water bottle. When I raised up from getting the water bottle off the bottom shelf I felt Tyler standing right behind me.

"Can I have a kiss?" He actual thought he was getting away with coming up to my job with drama. Lately I've been thinking about what my dad told me and I've realized that Tyler isn't going to change.

"No, and you can get you a pillow from upstairs and go to the guest room tonight." I walked around him getting a napkin for the wet bottled water, then went upstairs. I sat the water on the night stand and grabbed his pillow from his side siting it on the floor outside the door and locked it.

When I woke up I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it read 10:43. I searched around in the bed for a while until I found my phone. My bestfriend Jada had called me so I decided on calling her happy ass back.

"Hey boo?" she sounded so excited.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm about to come to your house." she hung up the phone.

I really love that girl, she been there for me since we was in middle school. She feel the same way my dad do about Tyler. After I just laid there I finally got up going to the bathroom to brushed my teeth. I felt a hungry so I went downstairs to the kitchen and made a breakfast armlet with some freshly squeezed orange juice. While I was siting at the kitchen island someone started knocking at the door. As expected it was Jada, I went back to eating my food after opening the door for Jada.

"What's up fat ass?" She said siting across from me.

"Nothing, what about you?"

"Girl nothing, Chris pissed me off early this morning!"

"What he did?"

"Stole my candy before he left for work!" I died laughing at her and I really couldn't stop.

"Girl I wish I had a problem like that with Tyler."

"Yeah, what's been going on with yall?"

"Girl he came up to my job starting shit with me. I was talking to this guy name King and he walked up talking about who this nigga is and why you couldn't text me back. Girl I was so embarrassed!"

Loving the Hustler ( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now