Millionaire's Party

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I been working on this for a while, but those who have waited patiently thank you. The ones that may be mad, Sorry!

But I hope y'all Enjoy this forreal, I think this is the best chapter.


Elizabeth P.O.V

Waking up to the sound of my alarm, I knew it was time for me to get ready for my date with King. I took a quick shower, than started on my hair. I decided on straightening it, which would take me about 45 minutes.

While straightening my hair, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"When the last time you spoke with Tyler?" My dad frantic voice yelled through the phone.

"I don't know, long time ago. Why?" I asked.

"He was found dead." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I knew that it was wrong for me to even care, but the thought of it brought a tear to my eyes.

"When this happened? Do y'all know who killed him?" I curiously asked. The worst thing about the whole situation was King possibly having something to do with it. I never told my dad about the whole altercation with Tyler and his friends coming to my house, because I didn't feel like being bothered with it, but I never expected him to come up dead.

"He even was reported missing, but he was found floating in the Mississippi River. I sent a diving team down to see if there was any body's accompanying Tyler down there. The person that did this didn't properly hook him to the cement blocks that was suppose to weight him down." My father explained.

"Oh my goodness, well I haven't talked to him sense he called my phone a long time ago, so I don't know." I concluded.

"Okay, well finish getting ready for your date. I'll call you tomorrow." He said.

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you to" he said before I hung up.

I didn't want to ambush King with questions about Tyler, before he took me out, so I'll just ask him when we came back, because it's wanted promised that he had anything to do with it.

After getting ready for my date, I sat in the living room, eating for him to come. Hearing a knock at the door, I went to answer it.

"I'm looking for a Ms. Elizabeth Thomas!" King said, standing in front me with a dozen of white roses. He wore a all white Tux and a Black tie. I smiled at him, as I watched him try hard to hold his laugh.

"You so silly!" I said as I gave him a kiss. He reached me the flowered and I put them in the case by the door. After I locked my door, he led me to a stretched, white, hummer, with a driver holding the door.

"Oh my God, Jr you didn't have to do all this." I said, excitedly looking at the car. He watched me as he smirked.

"Come on, you gone have us late girl." he said, grabbing my hands and leading me to the hummer.

"Thank you for the fruits, chocolate strawberry, and this dress." I said looking at the dress.

"You welcome." he said.

"And I wanted to tell you that I love you too, and I love that you was the one to say it first, because I was scared to say it." I concluded.

"What you scared for?" He asked, in a low and deep voice.

"I don't know. I think you reaction to it maybe." He slightly frowned, watching me as I explained.

"You need to become more comfortable with me, cause this Anit gone work if you anit." He said sitting up in the seat.

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