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Elizabeth P.O.V

When I heard the Jurors verdict I didn't know what to say or do.

"The court rules in the favor of the State and now sentence King Cooper Jr Ten Years in the Louisiana State Penitentiary." The judge stated firmly before using his gavel. My heart sunk and looked as if Jr's did to. I didn't know what to do for ten years. But I knew it would now be no problem for Alicia to have full custody of Kamron.

The Judge dismissed the court, so we all left.

"You okay boo?" Jada asked once we were in the parking lot of the Court house. I didn't know what to say, what to do. Its too much going on. But the number one problem i have is What will Alicia do when she find out that Kamron is with me and King is in jail serving 10 years on a murder for hire charge. I want to keep Kamron but she his mother so it wouldn't be a fight to even be taken to court.

"I just wanna go home!" I answered giving her a hug. Kamron was hot on my trail so I didn't need to find him.

"Ready to go?" I asked him.

"Go where? my baby going home with me!" I heard Alicia's familiar voice approach.

"No, I wanna go with Liz!" Kamron shouted pulling away from his mother. She paused and looked at him with a very hurt expression, one that she couldn't hide no matter how hard she tried.

"Kamron, Come home with mama. I promise ill never leave you again. I'm sorry I left you at first but I'm better now. Your my son and I want you home with me." she was about to cry. She didn't look like she was on drugs she looked like the old Alicia the one I had met before. She looked from Kamron than to me with a sad expression.

"let me take him home. I know you love him to, that's why I wouldn't isolate him from you. Just give me some time to prove to him that I never forgot about him."

"Will talk about this at my house!" I said. We exchanged number and I let, Kamron following me.

I knew i had to give Kamron ro his mama but ill do what I Could to keep him around at the least. Ive grown to love Kamron, so I wouldn't want to leave him.

King P.O.V

I fucked up bad and now i had to serve ny time like a man. The fucked up thing was, I was about to be away from my son for 10 years and my unborn child for 10 years. When i thought about doing good it was to late.

I knew it was over with for Elizabeth and me. I love that chick bruh and i always will. When she find out that Erica baby for me she might withdraw from Kamron. Thats gone be fucked up but thats what i deserve. I didnt play my cards right.

In the court room i thought about revenge on a couple mother fuckas, and they gone be handled slowly. I realized all the niggas that was loyal to me, I fucked over them or didn't look out for them tge way I was suppose to.

Three weeks after i was sentenced I was in Angola State Prison. I had spoke to my family a couple times.

Devin P.O.V

I talk to my son bout his time. When he got out we'll be back to our money business, but just us. A lot of niggas was after my son, but his brotger in law was his biggest hater. He was the nigga in the car that had been watching. All these pussy ass nigga gone lost they life from fucking with K.J.

Jada finally let a nigga lay it down. We living together and planning on getting a bigger house so we can grow together. She was my baby so Im not gone fuck up like King did with Liz, Imma be down from my lady.

"Bae, I want some Strawberries!" Jada stated from the couch in the living room.

"They got some in the fridge fat ass." I said, on thr computer looking at my bank account.

"Go gettem for me, you watching porn or something, Damn!" She said, getting mad cause i didn't want to get up.

"Fuck yo big head ass!" I said. She throw her empty brisk bottle at me.

"Fuck you too." She said before she started crying. I didn't know what to do or what i did. I got up from the computer and went by the sofa. Getting on top of her, she was trying to push me of.

"Im sorry bae." She was still crying and trying to get me off her. Pinning her hands over her head i kissed her neck.

"Move get off me!" She said turning her head.

"Come on chill out baby. Why you crying bruhh?" I was trying to hide my smile cause she was look at me.

"Im Pregnant Devin!" She said whike she was looking for my reaction.


"Yea" she said sniffing. I kissed her then her stomach.

"That's whats up ma."

Kacey P.O.V

Something went on in the court room that i didnt fully understand three week and I've been trying to find out. Travis acting as if he don't know what im talk about, so i wrote my brother a letter. On the way to the mailman on the corner Travis stop me asking me what im doing.

"About to send my brother a letter, you mind?" I asked getting mad.


"Could thats my fucking brother." I knew something was up, thats why the return address was Elizabeth house.

"Bet" he said before going inside the house. Thats went i knew that i need to get the fuck away from him.

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