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It's kind of a short chapter but not that short. This is just something to keep y'all entertained. Hope y'all like it, I worked in it while I was tired.

The picture in the MM is Elizabeth's basement







King P.O.V

On my way back to Elizabeth house, my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I said, answering with my bluetooth.

"Where are you?" Elizabeth asked.

"About 5 mins away."

"Ooh." she said, sounding distant.

"Kamron acting up?" I asked.

"No, just hurry up and get back please." she said hanging up. She sounding slightly distracted while she spoke to me. The whole call sounded off so me so I called Devin.

"What's up?" He answered.

"You and some niggas, meet me at Elizabeth house. Bring Guns. something not right and my son in there" I said.

"Alright, text me her address." He said before hanging up. I sent him her address and continued to her house. There was the same silver car that had been watching me and some other unfamiliar cars outside. I didn't want to be spotted, so I didn't park in her yard.

About three minutes later, Five all black Cadillac Escalades pulled up. I got out the car with my gun tucked and the niggas that were in the truck stepped out.

Devin came onside me and I pointed the the house. Walking to the front door, It was already unlocked. I decided on allowing some of my niggas go in first.

"Elizabeth. Kamron" I said searching the house.

"Daddy" I heard Kamron yell from the basement of the house. running to the basement, I was followed by my team.

Kicking the door I seen Kam held by a dude and Elizabeth was against the walk with Tyler in front of her. There was about seven other guys in the room with guns.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked. motioning for Kam to come to me. The guy that held Kam grabbed his arm and put the gun to his head. Flicking my wrist my team aimed there guns.

Tyler pulled his gun on Elizabeth and she started crying.

"Close your eyes Kamron!" I said, and he obeyed. Pulling my gun I shot the nigga holding the gun to Kamrons head.

"Put your hands up" Carlos, one of my other loyal workers, said. Everyone in the room, that was with Tyler, put there hand up except Tyler.

"Drop your weapons!" Carlos demanded. Like before, they did as they were told.

"I have got your Girlfriend and Daughter, so you sure you wanna act a fool?" I told to Tyler.

"My Daugher at school!" He said kissing his teeth.

"Claiborne Elementary?" I asked arching my eyebrow.

"Not any more." I said as Devin grabbed Kamron, taking him out the room. Elizabeth eyed me, but decided on keeping her mouth shut.

"Put the fucking gun down!" I yelled, frustrated with him already.

"Put yours down!" He demanded. I didn't have a problem with doing that. I had back up, he didnt. I dropped my gun to my feet and he did the same.

Loving the Hustler ( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now