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I had to do a Kamron POV. He just so cute.

Byt enjoy okay!

Kamron P.O.V

Today was Friday, the last day of school before the weekend. I  normally asked my paw to take me to my momo house, but I couldn't. Its been a month since she was buried and I miss her. My daddy do to, but he say he gone be strong.

"Kamron Come to the board and solve this math question." Said the sub teacher Ms. Kayla

"Okay!" I said before getting out of my desk. Walking to the board, I solved the problem in my head, writing it on the board.

"Is it correct class?" She asked.

"Yeah." The whole class said.

King P.O.V

"Where the reports at? Why the fuck you slacking?" I questioned the assistant, as she stood in front my desk.

"No I'm not slacking, I brought you those reports yesterday! Its your responsibility to keep up with it." She said, with altitude walking toward the door. She stop once hearing my gun cock.

"Dont fucking address me like that! I obviously dont have it no more so get it on my desk. And your dismissed when I say you are!"

"Kj" She said, getting up I stood behind her, leaving my gun at my desk.

"Erica?" I said in the same tone she called my name. Putting my arms around her waist, kissed her neck.

"Stop KJ, she said turning around, attempting to push me back. She liked to play games so I had to always remain stern with her.

"Stop what?" I asked her, pressing my body against hers. Grabbing her hand, I then placed them above her head.

"Dont stunt like you don't want me bruhh. You acting up because you want it!" I bit my lips and put my lips close to hers.

"Tell me to stop and I will!" I told her lowly. I knew she wouldn't say it because she wouldn't have let never go this far. I kissed her neck, where I knew she was most sensitive. She raised her head, to give me more access.

Grabbing her ass, I picked her up carrying her to my desk. She kissed my neck and grabbed my dick. I raised he skirt up and pulled my pants down. I would have preferred for her to be wet already, but I had no time for four play. Getting a condom out the desk draw, I quickly put it on. Inserting the head in her she moaned, resulting in ne pushing all of me in her. Sucking her neck as I pleasured her she scratched my back and moaned as lowly as she could. I loved to fuck her any chance I got, simply because she let ne have my way and wasnt shame to pleasure me or display that she was pleased.

She was sexy as hell and she always knew what she was doing when it cane down to me. We just started back fucking when Chris started working here. I got on as a couple times about fucking with Chris thou.

She came all over my dick, but i hadn't got mines in yet. Getting her off the desk i bent he over the desk, fucking her from behind.

"Aww fuck!" She said, unable to suppress her words. I pushed faster and harder, she moaned louder abd louder. The only sounds in the room was her moans, my grunts, and our bodies making contact. Pushing all of me in her I held it there, finally filling the condom with cum.

"Damn!" I said pulling out her.

"What?" She asked, still trying to catch her breath.

"The comdom broke!" I said looking at the empty, torn condom.

She turned around looking at me with an unbelievable expression. She pulled her skirt down and I pulled my cargo shorts up. She tried to walk away but I grabbed her.

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