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Hello to all of my readers! How are y'all doing?

I wanna know what y'all think of my book so far! This is now the 20th chapter I've published.

Y'all should tap the star to vote for my chapters and comment to let me know what y'all think.

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Love y'all


Elizabeth P.O.V

When I left work I went straight home. Jr texted me telling me about Kamron and his mother leaving, so today he wanted me to go with him to pick Kamron up. I personally think there should be no reason for a women to leave her 6 year old son to go to California, but that's not my business. I heard KJ blowing his horn outside I grabbed my bag and went out the door.

"Morning" he said handing me a cup of coffee once I entered the truck. He looked as if he hadn't been to sleep all night. From the looks of thing Jr. knew how to take care of his child without his baby momma, but a child will always need his/her mother.

"Morning, why you look so tired?" I asked rubbing his face.

" I Couldn't go to sleep last night." He replied plainly.

"Aww, you been thinking about Kamron?" I fully understood why he didn't want Kamron to go to California with his mothers and her boyfriend. I wouldn't want my child moving away, being a family with a man that I barley knew.


"Kamron, will be sad about his mama leaving him, but you just have to help get it off his mind." I said trying to cheer him up.

"Thanks bae." The rest of the ride to Jr baby mother house was silient, but it was comfortable one. Pulling up I seen Alicia and a man putting boxes into a uhaul truck. Kamron was siting on the porch with his booksack in his hand. Once he seen his daddy truck he ran from the porch to his truck. I don't know what's up with this kid track skills.

"What's up lil man?" Jr said getting out the truck meeting Kam.

"Nothing" he said with his proper voice. I thought it was cute how he was so proper.

"You ready to go?" Jr asked Kam.

"Yes!" He said headed to the back seat.

"You not gone give your mama a kiss?" Alicia asked Kamron. Kamron shook his head 'no' and climbed into the truck. A look of hurt flashed through Alicia eyes but she quickly recovered. I don't know if it was Jr's presence or mine that she was afraid to show that Kamron had hurt her feelings.

"iight, Imma holla at you!" Jr said getting back into the truck after closing the door behind Kamron.

"Hey Ms. Liz" he said noticing my presence in the car. Seem as thou he mood became a little bit better.

"Hey honey, how are you?" I asked him, turning in my seat to face him. He was turning the tv's on in the truck and turning his game on. Seeing everything Kamron own, I knew he was a spoil child, but being the only child I'd expect him to b a little selfish,

"I'm well, you wanna play?" He asked looking up at me, reaching me the second control.

"Sure" I got out the passenger side and claimed to the back with him.

Jr backed out the drive in and slowly drove off from the house. I had a feeling Jr didn't push the issue on Kam not wanting to be bothered his mom because he was slightly disappointed in her along with Kam. Kamrom finally got everything set for the 2k game he wanted to play. He had me as the Lakers and he was the Heats.

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