Good Night.

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Elizabeth P.O.V

"Liz, He won't let me win." Kamron whined running into the kitchen, where I was cooking Jr's favorite meal.

"You can't whine about it, you know you daddy don't like that, just, try to bet him. Want me to help?" I asked putting the peach cobbler in the oven. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me in the living room. Jr was laying on the couch, playing 2k15.

"Why you don't want to let him win?" I asked picking up the other draw stick.

"Do I ever let him win?"

"Well imma play, Baby Boy, come show me how to operate this." I said. Jr reset the game while Kamron showed me how to shoot and other stuff. After I was confident that I knew enough to play I was ready.

"Let's bet on this, me against you and Liz." Jr said smirking at Kamron.

"Deal!" He asked locking pinkys with his daddy.

"If I win Kam you gottah buy me a shake tomorrow and Liz gottah lotion me after my bath and rub my feet!"

"Why?!" I knew he would've said something different if Kamron wasn't in the middle of this. He just winked his eyes at me, signalling more to the bet.

"And if we win you have to buy me a motor cycle and Liz..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"You have to do what I want for a week." We started playing, Jr was in the lead for a while until I got the swing of the game and Kamron got excited about winning a motorcycle. For half time I had to stop to check on the cobbler.

While I was turning off the oven, I felt Jr's familiar arms wrap around my waist. He kissed my neck.

"I love you." He said lowly into my ear, kissing my neck once again, this time, sucking it.

"I love you too!" He grabbed my ass, and bit his lip.

"You would want to, KJ don't play." He said giving my ass a squeeze before letting go.

"Make me show you who you really is" I laughed immediately at his reaction to my comment.

"Tonight you can show me anything you want." He says before leading the way out the kitchen and into the living room. Kamron was laying across the floor eating Candy.

"Stop eating all that candy boy, you anit even eat yet." Jr said taking the bag of candy Kamron tried to hide. We played the rest of the game and surprisingly Kam and I won at the end. After Jr shut the game down we went into the kitchen to eat. We all sat at the island eating and talking about every random thing Kamron came up with, until someone knocked at the door.

"I got it!" Jr said getting from the island. A minute after he called me into the living room. Waking in I seen my heart standing at the door leaning on Devin.

"Baby!" I tried to contain myself, from yelling but I couldn't. She outstretched her arms, inviting me to hug her. I quickly made my way to her, embracing her tightly.

"Oh my God, I miss you so much." She never responded, second later I heard her sniffing.

"Its okay Jada." I said rubbing her back. I brought her in the house, Devin came in behind her. He looked like he haven't slept in days.

"She can't talk!" He said once I sat her on the sofa.

"That's why she crying, she fustrated, they had the wire her mouth, her jaw was broken." He said handing Jada a board with an expo marker. She took it, immediately starting to write on it.

Baby I miss you so much, I know you got out yesterday and probably couldn't come back since y'all had to move my stuff. I'm sorry that you were in the middle of that. I love you boo!

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