Happy Birthday Kamron!

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The little guy up there is Kamron. How are my readers doing? Like the story so far? VOTE. Something you need to say? COMMENT! Please, Thank y'all!







King P.O.V

After I dropped my mama off at her house and made sure she was okay I went by Alicia and picked up Kam. When we made it home he wanted me to order some pizza so I did.

"What movie you wanna watch Kam?" He was being pick as usual getting on my nerves we was getting movies on Netflix. but it was cool, we was waiting on the pizza man anyway.

"Okay let's watch Cloud 9." I got up to answer the door for the pizza man when he finally made it.

"$10.23." I handed him a twenty dollar bill and let him keep the change. Two hours later Kam was knocked out, so I took the rest of the pizza and put it in the kitchen. I didn't trust having maids or cooks but I was gone get it soon. My house was too big to clean myself and im always busy. I picked Kam up to take him to his bed but he started crying so I just let him sleep with me.

When I woke up Kam was siting at the end of the bed playing that Playstation.

"Happy Birthday Kamron!" I said sitting up.

"Thanks you." I needed to text Alicia and find out what time me and Kam needed to be at her house for the party.

Me: What time should we come there?

Alicia: about 4! But I'm going to need them balloons to decorate early!

Me: Anything else?

Alicia: Yeah, bring me a coffee and some donuts

Me: Lmaoo, you trippin

Alicia: Don't play with me
Me: Can you go to Party City and get some Balloons, they in my name prolly!

Devin: Where I'm meeting you at with them?

Me: Alicia house.

Devin: Alright, I'm Otw

When I was done I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.


"What?" He had him a lil altitude early this morning and he know goodness well I didn't like when he acted like a bitch.

"You wanna get yo ass whooped?" I asked him walking out the bathroom.


"Well go brush yo teeth and wash yo face. And stop playing with me." He ran to his bathroom mad. After putting on some clothes I went to his room an he had put on clothes already.

"Come on, we gottah get yo mama some donuts and coffee.

Devin was already at Alicia house when we got there.

"You have to have yo friend do everything for you?" Alicia said when I walked in the house.

"Shut up! Here, I want a kiss for all that work" I said giving her the box of donuts and coffee. she came to me and gave me a hug and kiss. I'm gone keep it real, Alicia was my baby. If I was good when I was with her we'll still be together, but she still loved me on the slick. "I might have to slide through tonight for that one!" I said biting my lip.

"Where y'all going?" She asked when I told Kam to come on.

"I'm taking his mad ass to the barber shop."

"Why he mad?" "I don't know but he almost got his ass whooped early this morning."

Kacey she she was going to go and pick my mama up so after Kam and I got our hair cut we went back to the house to put on his clothes for his party. I had his gift in the back of my truck already, and Devin brought him a mini motorcycle. When we made it to Alicia house Kam went into the house and I got his gifts out the trunk.

"Bout time" Devin came around the truck with Kam motorcycle .

"Bitch you just made it here." When we walked in the house I put the gifts on the table by the rest of his gift, Devin had to put his gift by the door.

"I told yo late ass four, it's 4:45" Alicia came out the kitchen talking crazy. The party was set up in the back yard and they had everything here. He had a Dj, a space walk with a slide, they had a train going around the whole backyard, and the theme of his party was Basketball.

"Whats up?" Alicia daddy walked up siting at the picnic table in front me.

"Nothing much, what's up with you?" I said dapping him down


"That's whats up Old School"

"This a nice party y'all giving y'all son, I'm proud of you for being a man and helping Alicia raise Kamron."

"That's my son, he my responsibility too. She Anit make him by herself."

"I respect dat!" He said and Alicia mama came over.

"Hey ma" I said getting yo to give her a hug.

"Hey KJ, y'all did it up for y'all son huh?" She said after we hugged

"This what he wanted!" She shakes her head and walked off into the house. Devin came out the house holding some girl hand. She was about the same height as him and she was brown skinned, looking like she was in her mid- 20's. she prolly was his girlfriend, but he never keep them to long.

"Alicia!" I yelled and got up walking by the food booth where she was.

"What KJ and stop yellin?" She was fixing food, never looking up.

"Make me a plate!"

"Alright Go find Kamron for me." After about 10 minutes looking for him, I found him in the house sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong Kam Kam?"

"Nothing, I'm hungry!"

"Yo mama fixing food now, she told me to come find you. Let's go eat!" He jumped of the couch and ran outside.

"Where he was?" Alicia asked when she seen me coming back.

"In the living room, hungry." She reached me Kam plate and mines, so I went back to the table I was sitting at and Kam followed. When we sat down Kam said his grace then we ate. An hour later Alicia told me to help her get thee children so they can sing Happy Birthday. I wasn't gone search round for Kids so I got the mic from the DJ.

"Aye attention everybody! It's time to sing Happy Birthday to Kam so go by the table with the cake." I worked better then I thought it would cause in about a minute all the kids was at the table. Before they started singing Happy Birthday my mama, Kacey, and BJ came through the door.

"You ready" Alicia mouthed to me, I just shook my head and took out my phone to record Kam.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Kamron, happy birthday to you How old are you?" "6" "how old are you?" "6" "how old are you?" "6" "Happy birthday to you" "Make a wish Kam" He closed his eyes them blow out the candles.

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