Whats yo name?

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Sorry for taking a long time yall, I was getting my stuff straight for prom. But heres a update for y'all.

Thanks for waiting.



King P.O.V

After leaving the office for the day I went to pick Kam up from school. Upon pulling up I noticed a familiar car, and instantly remembered why it was familiar. It was Tremaine car, and only one person was in the car. Getting out I walked up to the car, seeing Tremaine in the car.

"What the fuck you doing?" I asked hitting the window.

"What the fuck wrong with you bruhh?" He tried to intimidate me, but he shouldn't known It wouldn't work.

"Why you posted up in front my son school?" He looked like he was high on some kind of drug.

"Alicia sent me, I'm picking him up!" He said after he had got out the car.

"No the fuck you not! Go home and tell her to call me. And don't send no pussy ass nigga to pick up I'm son, I got this!" I said, mugging him.

"Pussy? And no pussy hea' my dude!" He said.

"Yeah, iight. Get the fuck on." I said before walking into the school. Coming in I seen Kam class lining up in the hall for dismissal.

"Hey Sir!" His teacher said.

"Hay, how you?" I said, she didn't look like her regular teacher. she must was a sub, but she was fine as hell. I knew she wanted me by the way she looked at me.

"I'm doing well, and yourself?"

"I'm okay"

"Who are you here for?" She asked politely.

"Kamron Cooper!" I replied.

"Okay" she said, about to walk off, before I grabbed her wrist, I don't know why but I couldn't help it.

"Sir?" She asked, slightly biting her lip. Pulling her close I whispered in her ear.

"Let me get yo number ma" I asked

"Okay." She said, before going to the child at the front of the line telling him to lead. Kamron looked at me smiling.

Once we made it outside, the sub teacher asked for my phone, so she could put her number in.

"What's yo name?" I asked her.

"Kayla." she responded with a smile.

"That's sexy" I smiled.

"Thanks, what's yours?"



"Thanks" we stood till her class rides had came, then I hugged her and me and Kamron got into the car, going to my mama house.

"How was school today?"

"It was good, I got a green dot and I passed my test." he said, excitedly.

"So where you wanna go to celebrate?" I asked. His eyes grew big then he started thinking.

"Ummmm, uhh I wanna go to Celebration Station!" He said.

"Okay we'll go after we talk to your GrandMother." He sat back in the seat looking out the window.

Pulling up to my mama house Kamron, got out the car, running to the house.

"Hey baby!" My mama said hugging me when I walked in the house.

Loving the Hustler ( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now