I can Love You!

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Readers this Chapter is rated R, so I you don't want to read sex scence, skip the chapter. By the way, the guy on the header of the chapter is Tyler.
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Alicia P.O.V

After I left the Exxon, where I worked, I went to KJ mama house to get Kamron but wasn't nobody there and KJ wasn't replying to any of my text messages, I called Devin to see was KJ with him


"You around KJ?"

"He in the hospital, we at the hospital now?"

"What happen to him?" When I met KJ at the club I was drunk and we ended up having sex in his truck. He gave me his number and told me to hit him, but because I was embarrassed I didn't call him. When I found I was pregnant with Kam I called KJ and told him but he thought I was lying. When I went into labor he showed up at the hospital telling me that he was gone handle his business with his child. He didn't want Kamron to have the same name as him but he wanted it to start with a K so we went with Kamron and he signed the birth certificate. After I had Kamron, KJ wanted to b with me, so we was together for about 7 months and he ended up fucking with some chick, and I left him. But I love the fact that he never stop doing for Kamron.

"He got shot and now he in a coma"

"Y'all at Baton Rouge General?"

"Yeah, mid-city"

"Whats his room number?"


"Okay, I'm on the way" I said then hung up.

Elizabeth P.O.V

After King was put in the hospital I was off for two day when I came back I still had the same rooms but the patient Michael Brown had been discharged. When I came out a patient room the secretary at the nurse station told me that Dr. Riley needed me in room 312. Before I walked into the room I knock. King mother, son and a unfamiliar women was siting on the sofa and Dr. Riley was standing over King.

"Hey Dr. Riley, you asked for me?"

"Yeah, his stop breathing an his pulse is weak. Clear the room and we can start CPR." After telling the family to go to the waiting room while we took care of King, we began CPR on him. After 5 cycles of CPR he was breathing again but his pulse was still weak and he was slightly turning blue. We put him on a non rebreather mask with 15 lpm of oxygen.

Devin P.O.V

After I left the hospital I went to the warehouse to check on thing before I went home.

"Did the truck make it back?" I asked Kevin.

"Yeah and the 125 grand, the Assistant said they had all the money." Why did they try to jack us if they had all they money? Prolly tried to flip they money by robbing Us. I felt at fault for KJ getting put in the hospital, because I brought them to him. Anyone in town would've know that it wasn't smart to try and pull a stunt like that, which had me thinking that someone else was behind the operation. Mike and Ant wasn't smart enough to make 125 grand, so it was someone who knew what they was doing. With KJ in the hospital I had to be there and make sure money was still being made. We was overstocked on products as of now, we had the 125 grand and the 100 grand worth of product so we could hold off on producing.

"Kevin I want y'all to hold off on producing until farther notice."

"Okay." he said. After making a rounds an checking on things I went home.

Elizabeth P.O.V

When my shift was over I went straight home. Opening the garage I noticed Tyler car wasn't there, I was glad that I didn't have to be bothered with him, but I was wondered where he was this late. When I made it in the house I put my keys up and went to the kitchen. I had a Lean Cuisine Chicken Alfredo in the fridge that I put in the microwave. While I waited on the food to cook I texted Tyler.

Me: Where are you?

Tyler: Just leaving work, Why? You need something?

Me: No just wondering!

Tyler: You think we can talk when I get there?

Me: We'll see

Tyler: Okay, Liz!

After I text Tyler I checked on my food and added two slices of cheese, letting it cook for an extra 30 seconds. I got a water out of the refrigerator and ate at the kitchen island. I heard keys, so I figured it was Tyler come in the house.

"Hey bae" He said closing the door putting his keys up.

"Hey." He came and sat across from me at the kitchen island.

"How was your day?"


"What happened?" He said getting a paint of ice cream out of the fridge and a spoon.

"Seem like there was a shooting, because a lot of patients came in at the same time with gun shot wounds."

"There was a shooting, in the Dixie neighborhood."

"Never heard of it, but Was it on the news?"



"Liz, I wanted to truly apologize for treating you like I have the pass couple of weeks. You don't deserve to be treated that way." He said, putting the spoon down.

"I use to look at outsiders relationship and wonder why I can't have a relationship like them and blame myself for that failure, but it's really you that's been slacking since grad school."

"Liz, I'm ready to show you that I can love you and give you any and everything that you need."

"Good, because this your last change Tyler" I said getting up to throw away the plastic plate and wash the fork. Standing at the sink Tyler walks behind me hugging me kissing up and down my neck, finally making his way to my lips. He kissed me softly and pulled me into him more, deepening the kiss by slipping in tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me from the floor, carrying me upstairs.

Once he made it to the bed he laid me down, pulling off his clothes, then helping me take mines off. He kissed my lips again then down my neck, going down until he was at my vagina. He kissed it and sucked on my clit, flicking his tongue on it forcefully, until I came. He made his way back up to my lips, kissing my lips again. I felt his member at my entrance, as he rubbed it on my vagina, teasing me.

"Come on Ty!" I screamed, he laughed and slowly put it in. Stroking slowly at first and sped up as I adjusted to his size. He sucked and bit my neck as he stroked inside of me.

"Ooh shit!" I screamed grabbing the pillow, I was reaching my peak and I couldn't hold it back. After I came he wasn't done.
"Turn around" He demanded.

"Arch yo back baby!" He said sliding in. He grabbed my hips and started stroking again, pulling me to meet his thrust.

"Ahh shit." I scream, reaching my peak once again.

"Fuck" he yell pulling out just before he came, letting it out all over my ass. After laying there for a minute we got in the shower together.

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