He Good People.

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What's up to all my readers! I miss y'all!

Sorry for the late update, but nobody read the last chapter so I was like y'all don't deserve it.

Y'all need to catch up on y'all voting.

Y'all need to comment to. Y'all so quite, I wanna knw what y'all doing and stuff and y'all not responding to me. It's all good thou.


Elizabeth P.O.V

King and I went to Walmart and later picked up Kamron, then went to my dad house. after getting through security we finally made it into my Dads house.

He opened the door with a smile I hadn't seen in years. It made me really happy to see that smile again.

"Hey Lizzie" he embraced me then went to King.

"Hey King, that your son?" He asked King, as he looked at Kamron.

"Yes sir" Jr said, smiling down to Kamron.

"What's your name little Man?" My Dad asked Kamron.

"My name is Kamron but My dad calls me Kam and my Aunte calls me Kam Kam" he answered my dad, showing his sweet dimples.

"Okay, Can I Call you Kam?" My Dad asked.

"Yes sir, What's your name?" Kamron asked politely.

"My name is Ernest." He replied standing up straight. He led us to the dining area, where there was food already set and a women seated already. She looked young, but I can tell that she was older than me. She had a causal outfit on and a Welcoming smile.

"Hi, My name is Elizabeth Thomas, Nice to meet you. I'm Ernest daughter and this is my boyfriend King Cooper" I stated, gesturing to Jr.

"Hi, My name is Brandy Williams, nice to meet y'all." she shook Jr and I hands. My dad sat onside of her and King and I sat across from them.

"So Elizabeth, I invited you here today, so you can meet her. She my girlfriend, we've been dating for about a month in a half." In ow knew why I seen the smile, I seen when he opened the door. She made him happy, he haven't been happy since my mother left. I wasn't a selfies daughter, so I had no problem with him dating, as long as she didn't take advantage of him.

"Congrats, I'm happy that you have somebody that can make you happy Dad, seriously." I stated.

"Thanks" he said. Jr and him shared a look. My dad had probably already told Jr when he came to the house earlier.

We talk and aquatinted with Brandy for a couple hours than left. Walking to the car Jr embraced me, then kissed my lips, softly.

"Aww." I said before pulling his face in for another kiss.

"Eww" Kamron said, causing me to laugh.

"Stop hating and get in the car." Jr said, laughing as he opened Kamron's door. While sitting in the car my phone vibrated. Looking at it, I seen a text from Jada.

Jada: Hey Boo, Where are you?

Me: with Kamron and Jr, on the way home.

Jada: Oh, Well Chris and I going to come and hang with y'all tonight.

"Bae, Jada and Chris coming to chill with us tonight." I told Jr.

"Alright." He said.

Me: Okay, I'll text you once we make it home.

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