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- Koolaid!

I asked Kacey to watch Kam till I come back. I needed to go by the ware house tonight. When I made it to the warehouse I made my rounds making sure everyone was doing what they was suppose to be doing.

"Go to my office." I said to the assistant passing by her desk. I managed to find Devin by the truck still unloading.

"Man y'all been unloading the same truck all day! Where the fuck is the workers Devin!"

"Apparently there was a shortage on workers."

"Well I need you to get with Kevin, I need the names of all the workers that didn't make it in tonite! Then come to my office with the operations team."

"Okay!" The operation team was the team that I took with me to go to any trap house I was having problems with. After talking with Devin I went up to my office and the assistant was there as expected.

"Okay where the track sheet I asked for!" I said sitting down turning on the computer.

"Here is the track sheet for the Dixie house we are having a problem with" She sat the first page in front me.

"And here is the track sheet for the Monet house that was recently closed."

Reading the track sheet for the Dixie house they are basically claiming to have thrown away Ten thousand dollars worth of products. Weather they where telling the truth or not somebody was going to pay for my products. I went to the next track sheet for the monet house and it wasn't bad as I thought it was, I was just missing 2k. The assistant got up from the table to answer the door.

"The operation team is here."

"Okay, you can go home after we leave the Dixie house!" She left the room and Devin sat at the table while the whole team stood.

"Okay Devin, I only want small hand guns, the house maybe on watch." I stated.

"Everyone is to drive there cars nd wear regular clothes and meet at the Dixie house in 20 minutes."

"Okay team y'all dismissed" Devin said. I wasn't going to let this slide but I was going to be careful about thing just in case the house was under watch.

"If anyone has to be killed it will not happen in the house!" I said.

"Why are we bringing guns then?" He said.

"Every trap house owned by me will have guns in them and they not just going to leave without being on gun point."

"Devin if anything go wrong with the operation that's yo ass on the line!" I added. I wanted him to understand that we was good friends but if his lack of effort put my business on the line that was his ass.

"Okay, three man each car?" He asked with his phone out, texting.

"Yes ass." I said getting up going to my safe. I have a safe that is behind a table in the Conner of the room where my personal hand gun and a couple stacks of money was always stashed. After getting the gun I left the office with Devin aside me.

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