I am at Peace

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King P.O.V

My mama stopped paying her insurance, I guessed she didn't have money for it and she hated to ask me for anything. So I had to pay for her burial and ceremony,which I had no problem with. The whole thing ran me a hundred thousand dollars. I had to go all out for her.

The funeral was set in two days and I havent gotten Kamron or my suite or Elizabeth dress. I haven't been able to think about nothing but my mama. I really couldn't believe that I was buring my mama at the age of 25, about to be 26.

I was sitting at my mana house just looking at shit when the doorbell rung. By daddy was at work so i was there alone.

"Who is it?" I asked peeping through the peep hole.

"Alicia!" She said with a altitude. I had to say a quick prayer before I batted the bitch.

"What the fuck you want?" I said once the door was opened.

"I want my baby KJ. Can I just have him?" She pleased, standing at the door with some raggedy clothes.

"Alicia what happened to you bruhh?" I asked looking at this girl that I use to have so much love for. She looked bad as a bitch, it barely looked like her.

"Nothing happened! What you insinuating?"

"You been doing drugs?" I asked.

"Don't fucking worry about that Kj, its not yo business. Where Mama Anne at, I dont have time for your shit! She said pushing her way into the house, shutting the door after she came i turned to face her.

"She gone!" I replied roughly, trying to hide my emotions.

"Where she gone? I need to talk to her! Fuck!" She said!

"She dead!" I said clutching my jaw. She looked at me like she didnt believe me just seen my expression.

"I still want Kamron, what ever going on in your family has nothing to do with me! I want my fucking son! Yall got him running round this bitch depressed behind yo mama and shit!" I before I know it I held her by her throat against the wall. She looked at me like she was fear stricken for a moment, then she frowned.

"Get your fucking hand off me!" She Said.

"Be careful how you talk, I don't want to see you hurt!" I said before letting her go.

"Get the fuck out my mama house!" I added, before sitting on the couch. She let herself out the house. I sat in the same spot for 20 minutes before getting up.

I went to the Tuxedo shop and got me and Kamron matching tux. Leaving the shop I called Elizabeth, I was hoping she was on her break.

"Hey bae, what you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing, just leaving the tuxedo shop. When you getting you dress?" I asked her.

"When I get off I'll stop by and pick it up from the cleaners." She said.

"You got it already?"

"Yeah, I got it." She said smacking on whatever she was eating.

"Good, I'm finna go get Kamron from school! We coming to yo house tonight!"

"Alright, see you tonight, I love you."

"I love you ma'!" I said before she hung up.

Pulling up to Kamron school his class was lined up by the car pull. When he spotted my truck he was happy. The substitute teacher, Kayla, was standing by the class talking to another teacher.

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