Snakes on the Levee

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Elizabeth P.O.V

I haven't talked to King since he left the hospital, but that was about two week ago and I was honestly missing him. Tyler was working late and I worked the morning shift so I was at home by myself. I decided on texting King since I haven't talked to him in a little while.

Me: So you acting funny?

Jr: nahh I was just a lil busy lately, what been up withchu thou?

Me: same old thing, work!

Jr: same here, let's meet up somewhere, tonight.

Me: like?

Jr: You allergic to seafood?

Me: I'm not.

Jr: So red lobster it is.

Me: what time?

Jr: in about two hours.

He gave me the details on which Red Lobster it was and I got ready to leave. I wore a black fitted dress with diamond on it and black heels that matched. I decided on straightening my hair instead of keeping it natural. I wasn't big on wearing make up so I just put on a little eye shadow and a little foundation. I left the house with about 15 minutes left to get there on time.

Pulling up to the restaurant I knew I was late.

"Table for one?" The lady at the entrance podium asked once she seen me come through the door.

"Table reserved with King Cooper." I said politely. She led me to a table in the conner of the room by a window.

"What's up Little Lady?" King stood up and hugged me pushing my chair in once I sat down.

"Hey Jr" I said.

"You missed me?"

"Nahh, I don't know about all that" I said lying but he knew I was lying, because he instantly started smiling.

"If you didn't, you wouldn't have texting me talkin bout 'you actung funny?' it's okay if you missed Big Daddy, cause he miss you to." He thought he was funny. But like I said before I do miss him. It was crazy because he wanted me but I was the one had to text him first. Odd.

"I just wanted to check on you."

"I'm just playing Love, I've been missing you thou, I just been busy with getting my businesses straight and being with my mama."

"Ooh yeah, I meant to ask you, how she been?" He had a sad look to his face but quickly recovered from it.

"She been alright." But for the looks of it she wasn't. I didn't pressure him on it because I understood.

The waitress came to the table asking us for our orders.

"I want that meal that's was on the commercial, you know what I'm talking about?" I asked the waitress. She looked confused at first but I guess she caught on

"Yes I know what meal that is, is that all you want ma'am?" She asked politely.

"And you sir? She asked turning her attention to King.

"I'll have the meal she's having."

"And what's y'all drink?"

"I'll have a Coke" He said

"I'll take a water."

After the waitress left we sat in a comfortable silence until he spoke.

"So you and your boyfriend got any kids?"

"No, I don't have any children, but he have a daughter?"

"How that happened?" He said leaning back in his chair, looking interested in what I was about to say. I didn't like telling this story but since he seemed so interested I told him.

"Well I went to Southern University for Nursing and I met him on the yard one day. we started talking a lot, so we started dating. Well I went to grad school but he didn't, but we was still together, but we had moved in together so I still seen him almost everyday. So with his spare time while I was at school, he was with a girl in our house."

"So you tolerate cheating?" He said with a serious look on his face.

"That was my first time I was cheated on to my knowledge, but I love him, he was there for me when I really needed him."

"So you felt you owed him for being there." he said frowning.


"That's his job to be there for you, he yo dude."

" I know."

The waitress came with our food and drinks.

"Let me know if y'all need anything else." she said and going to what I guess was the billing register.

"Since I was the spotlight of the conversation just now, how about you? You have kids?." I said turning my attention back to him.

"I have a son name Kamron."

"You with his mother?"


"How that happened?"

"We met at a club, we both was drunk so we ended up doing some stuff we had no business doing. She contacted me a couple months later saying she was Pregnant but I didn't believe that he was mines because of how we met so I figured she was a hoe, excuse my language. But I didn't want to have a son and not be in his life. My friend Devin told me that she was in the hospital so I showed up. Turns out he was my kid and she wasn't a hoe she just made a bad mistake, like I did." he explained.

"So why aren't y'all together?"

"We tried but we just didn't get along like that. we can Co-parent but we can't be together."

After eating and talking for a little while longer I had to go home before Tyler made it.

"Bye Elizabeth." King said giving me a hug before getting into his Cadillac Escalade.

Jada texted me and told me to met her on the Levee. She said that I needed to get there immediately because it was important.

When I pulled up to where she told me to meet her at she was leaning against her car, on her phone.

"What's so immediate about you chilling on the Levee?" I said getting out the car walking to her.

"Girl I seen Tyler out here with Ashley." she said pulling me toward the levee.

"He suppose to be at work."

"Well obviously he not." She said stopping, pointing to where two people sat on the stairs facing the water.

Jada and I approached Tyler and Ashely. Reaching him I tapped him on his shoulder.

Ooh Lawwd The drama. lmaoo





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