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Elizabeth P.O.V

King went with the detective for questioning, I was hoping that he wouldn't get in trouble, but thats a one out of ten percent chance. It woldnt look good for him to go to jail, when he was fighting for full custody of Kamron. I called the only person that I knew could help me.

"Hello?" My dad voice spoke through the phone.

"Hay daddy, the detective took Jr in for questioning for Tyler murder. The detective said he had a written statement from a Anonymous source!" I said half scared that my boyfriend might end up in jail if they found out the real story and I could possibly be charged accessory to murder.

"Do he have a attorney?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, his attorney is on the way down there!"

"Well all we can do is hope he didnt murder Tyler, if he did he better have a good ass lawyer!" My dad said, sounding like he was preoccupied.

"What are you doing?" I asked getting slightly annoyed.

"Im trying to look through Tyler case file, so I could get the name of the witness. You cannot tell King the name Elizabeth! Its important!" He said becoming serious so I'd know how important it was that I not tell.

"I promise I wont!" I said becoming impatient.

"Ashely Ellis? Do the name familiar to you like it is to me?" He asked me sounding like he was thinking.

"Yeah! Thats Tylers baby mother!" I said shocked once it registered to me who she was. She was to me dead also, which meant King had someone unloyal on his team.

I needed to tell Jr!

"Come to my house tonight! I need to tell you something!" I said before hang up.

"Come on Kamron! Let go get to your paw!" I said rushing him out the door. Putting Kamron in the car and getting in, starting the car up, I sped off to the Police station. When I made it King and his lawyer was walking out the police station. He spotted my car and headed for it.

"What took you so long?" He asked, frowning once entering the car.

"I was on the phone with my dad!" I said, ignoring his altitude.

"You telling him my business?" He asked looking at me crazy!

"No stupid, if you lost your altitude and listen you'd know whats going on bruhh!" I said getting mad.

"Okay!" He said laughing at the way I spoke to him.

"Okay so I called my daddy and told him tgey took you for questioningand he was like you better have a good ass lawyer if. You did it. He looked through Tyler case file and seen the statement written against you! Guess who it was?" I said, looking at him once I stopped at the red light.


"It was Ashely, Tyler girlfriend!" I said. He looked confused like I did once realizing she was alive.

"Same thing i thought so whomever you sent to handle her, needs to be watched! You got somebody against you in yo crew. And you need to make that warehouse operations disappear until your out of this, because they may be watching you and you'll have more charges on you then you need." I explained while driving the car. We was about five minutes away from my house.

"True, what about my house? They know where I live?" He asked curiously.

"Im guessing they don't, I'll ask my paw." I said pulling into the garage.

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