Come Back

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King P.O.V

The last couple days I just been at home, not wanting to be bothered with anyone. When Elizabeth called I'd answer and talk to her but she knew that I was hurting so she understood that I wasnt really in the mood to talk. I havent been to the warehouse since i left when my mama first went inti the hospital, but I talked to Devin and he said he could handle everything while I was out.

"Whats up?" I answered my ringing IPhone.

"Hey bae, how you feeling?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm doing alright, I miss my mama doe. I want her back bruhh! I want her back so bad." I said.

"I know baby, I know how it feels to lose your mama. But it'll get better at the end. You realize that she is not suffering from sickness or pain anymore." She explained. I knew she was telling the truth, but it just wasnt that easy to except the fact that yo mama anit with you no more. When i explained ti Kamron what was happening with his grandmother he cried.

"I know bae! Thank you."


"You off today?" I asked her, with hopes to see her.

"Jr I just got off boy, I told you that like 4am when I went in to work." She prolly did but I dont be paying attention.

"Ooh my bad, come keep me company!"

"Alright, you need anything, before I make it there?"

"No, im good, thank you thou." She told me that she was gone be at ny house in like 15 minutes, so I decided to get my cook to whip us up something nice. When she made it, she used her spare key instead of knocking.

I was chillin in the living room when she walked in. She immediately smiled when she seen me.

"Oh my God, I miss you so much Jr." She said making her way yo the living room. She said on my lap and pecked my lips.

"I love yo crazy ass!" I told her, biting my lips.

"I love you too King." She said watching me for a while.

"How much you love me?" I asked. I cant even front she was really my everything aside from Kamron. I had a lot of love for her and she knew it, somethings I feel off at proving that I love her.

"I love you so much, that the average human wouldnt understand." She said.

Elizabeth P.O.V

I hated that my baby was going through what I went through as a teen, but I knew he was strong enough to get through it and ill be there ever step of the way.

He was like somebody I've never had. He showed me that he cared about me on a regular and not to mention his sex but he was a pro when it came to pleasing me. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that he sole drug, in a way.

He started biting his lips and hugged me, putting his face into my neck. Soon I felt him kissing my neck. I grabbed his now hardened groin and stroked it, I and caressing motion. He rubbed her through my work pants and begin smiling.

"What?" I asked biting my lip.

"You gone help ease my mind?" He asked, holding my eyes in his.

"Yep!" I said kissing his lips. I removed his shirt from over his head rubbing is fit frame. Continuing I removed his gym shirts and boxers. He then undressed me, ending up hovering over me on the couch. He kissed my neck and sucked on skin. He then went to my lips and kissed me, tickling my lip like he loved to do. He knew I'd smile,but he did it anyway. He started laughing then continued kissing me.

"I love you Liz, you my queen and I promise imma do right by you." He said into my ear. I didnt know if it was from his recent lost or it was as his actual words but I knew that I had a strong love for King reguardless of his past and his present. I loved him because he took me broken and tore and he fixed me and stood by me waiting patiently to follow his own agenda.

"I love you too Jr. And as long as you keep your promise you'll have nothing to worry about." I responded kissing his lips.

Jada P.O.V

After I got the wires out my mouth I immediately had something to say.

"Thank you so much Devin." I said hugging him.

"I miss your voice girl!" Me and Devin wasn't together nor was we having sex, he just was there helping me, so I knew I owed him.

"You do?" I asked, he wrapped his arm around my waiste. Biting my lips I trued to fight the urge to kiss him, but it didn't work. Whwn kissing him I immediately pulled away feeling that i was wrong. He pulled me back in for a kiss, this time I didn't pull away.

"So why Elizabeth not here?" I asked. His face immediately turned into one of sadness.

"KJ mama passed away!" He said looking to the ground. That was impossible, she seemed okay when me and Liz went to see her like two weeks ago.

"She dead?" I asked for clarification.

"Yeah." He said biting his lip, holding his tears back. I knew Devin looked at Ms. Anne as a mother because she was the closest to a mother he had. His mama died when he was in middle school. King and his mother helped Devin out, so he cared abiut her and loved her dearly.

"I'm sorry!" I said hugging him again.

"Its alright, KJ shutting down thou! He dont answer the phone much. Last time I talked to him was two days ago." He said.

"What about Liz?" I questioned.

"I dont even know of he talking to her. Kacey told me he was shutting her out." I needed to talk to Elizabeth to see if she was okay.

"Hello?" She answered sounding like she just woke up.

"Lizzie!" I said in the phone, lowkey happy to talk to her.

"Omg, you got your wires took out! I'm sorry I was a little business with Jr and work." She said sounding sad about forgetting my wires was out today.

"Its okay, I heard about it, tell KJ to shake back thou." I said. I heard he mumble something then I heard a loud ass familiar voice.

"Whats up bruhh?" Kj said loudly in the phone.

"Whats up bitch?" I greeting him with out normal greeting.

"You still gotta smart ass mouth?" He said laughing.

"Get yo happy ass on!" I said laughing at the excitement in his voice.

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