She gone be alright

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Devin P.O.V

After I made it to Jada house no one was there, but the door was opened and blood was in the living room, with the glass table in the middle of the room broken. Kj walked in a minute after me, stopping at the door way.

"Hospital?" He asked. I knew he was scared of the outcome of whatever went down in this apartment.

"Yeah." We almost ran back to Kj car, going to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital.

Once making it, we went to the information desk to ask what room they went in. Kj went to Elizabeth room and I went to Jada room. Walking into the room, I seen a nurse hooking her up to a IV.

"She okay?" I asked the nurse when she was done.

"Yeah she'll be okay, she just has a concussion and she lost a good amount of blood from the head area. So once she's stable and observed she'll be able to go home." She explained, while she was putting her stuff up.

"Okay, I can sit in here with here?"

"Yes, once you give me your name and relationship too her." She said, smiling.

"Devin Hill and I'm a close friend." She left the room and I sat down on the sofa by Jada bed. He face was busted up and she had a head wrap on. She had a frown on her face on like she was in pain. If I was to keep it one hundred, she was really my baby, and it cut me deep to see her like this. My phone started vibration, signaling a text message.

Kj: Ole boy in jail, Liz pops came there. And liz woke, how Jada doing?

Me: dats the safest place for him. And she still sleep, the nurse said somethin bout a concussion. And she busted up bad

Kj: damn son

King P.O.V

When I walked into the room, Liz daddy was sitting in the room onside her bed. She was woke, but she looked like they had put her on some medication. Getting all the way in Mr. Thomas was the first to look at me.

"Hey, how you doing? She woke?" I asked.

"Im doing good and she just woke up. Where you been?"

"I don't know!" Liz struggled to sit upright, so I helped her out. After she was up she jacked her hand back.

"Daddy let me talk to him" she said, he looked at her for a moment before he got up and left the room.

"Why you here?" She asked me with a funny expression. All I could do was smirk, she was so cute when she tried to be mad at me.

"I can't check on you?" I sat in the chair onside of her bed. She just looked without saying nothing, so I guessed she wanted me to explain myself.

"Im sorry for going AWOL and not tellin you what was going on with me. Bae I love you forreal, imma prove dat to you. Just gimme some time." I really do love Liz but nigga going through a Lil rough patch, but imma make this shit
iight. She was watching me and opened her mouth to say somethin but nothin came out, so she just shook her head.

Getting up from the chair I hugged her, then kissed her face everywhere. She hugged my neck and kissed my lips. Second later that simple kiss turned to one of passion.

"I love you Jr!" she stated after pulling away.

"I love you too."

"Where Chris at?" I asked her when she laid back.

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