I hate you so much

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Elizabeth P.O.V

After my morning shift I stopped by my Daddy, to check on him. I knew he was going to be mad at me for going days without talking to him. I've been bus, trying to keep myself business. My normal day is mostly with Jr or Kamron, but he wanted to try to go day without talking to me, because he going through something. I love him but I feel like If he going through some he can talk to me, but know I knew love don't work like that with him.

Jr having something to do with the death of Tyler pissed me off but that wasn't what pushed me away, and he knows that.

"Hey baby!" My dad said, sitting at his large mahogany desk, doing something on the computer.

"Hey daddy, how you doing?" I answered, walking to his desk.

"I'm doing good, how you doing? Where is King?" He said hugging me that kissing my cheek.

"I'm doing good, and I don't know where Jr is." I didn't want to lie to my dad, when I know he knows me, and know when I'm lying.

"Oh yeah?" He asked preoccupied by what was on the computers.

"Yes, the detectives been following me and Jr around, they really think we had something to do with the death of Tyler?" I wouldn't never tell my dad that Jr had something to do with it. Or that anythinh went down at my house.

"Yeah I heard, I'll handle it. Just go about your regular day." He said never braking contact from the computer.

"Okay, well I have to go, I'll call you later." I hugged him before living out the office. On my way down from his office I had to avoid looks from officers and detectives. I cannot get use to this!

After leaving my dad office I went to Jada house. Jada and Chris car was outside, which was weird in the middle of the day. Going up to there door I realized what was up.

"What the fuck you talking bout Jada? I don't have time to fuck with nobody else!" I heard Chris yell, before I knocked on the door.

"Bitch you know what I'm talking bout, I went through yo phone!" Jada sounded like she was on the verge of crying, so I decided on using the key. Walking in Chris head was the first to turn. Jada back was turned from the door, so it took her a while to realize someone else was in the house.

"You okay baby?" I asked Jada seeing her in tears. She gave me a look that told me that things was far from okay

"She alright, you can go!" Chris said looking at me with a nasty mug, one that I happily returned.

"Baby, help me get my stuff and call Devin and tell him to come help!" Jada said pushing pass Chris. I sent Devin a quick text summarizing all of this situation. Looking from my phone I seen Chris holding Jada wrist.

"You fucking with him?" He asked her frowning. She just looked at him with and expression that told him everything.

Slamming her against the way, he put his hand around her neck.

"Bitch, I hate you so much. I'm finna fuck you up!" I said, Spit flying with every word he spoke. I ran to Chris pulling him away from Jada, before feeling a pain across my face.

"Bitch!" Jada screamed, swinging on Chris, but he was way stronger than her. Pushing her on the sofa she stood over her, hitting her wherever his fist landed. That was the first time I ever heard her scream and sound so terrified.

Getting up from the floor I moved toward the glass bottle in the middle of the coffee table. Approaching Chris with it o hit him in the head, obviously not hard enough because it didn't make him stop, he only hit me, this time with force, sending me into The glass coffee table. He hovered over me, punchinh me repeatedly, I laid limp unable to move. Then i felt something cold and steel connect with the side of my dead He stop, after the front door opened, putting his hand up.

I couldn't pull my head up to see who it was, but whoever it was came with more than one person. I heard footsteps all around the house. Someone approached me, but my vision was blurred.

That was The last thing I seen before everything went black.

Unknown P.O.V

"Can I speak with the detective over the Tyler case?"

"And your name?" The lady at the front door asked.

"An anonymous reporter!"

"Okay I'll tell Detective Ryan Ellis your waiting on him." The lady said before leaving me alone. Minutes later she came back accompanied by a guy.

"Hello, I'm Detective Ryan Ellis, how may I assist you?" He asked.

"I'm here to assist you!" I stated, sternly.


"Well I just want to say that King Cooper, Elizabeth Thomas boyfriend, is responsible for the death of Tyler McKinley. Im an eye withness, and I will testified of I have to, to ensure the murder of him is brought to justice."

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