Where is Jr?

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Devin P.O.V

KJ and the assistant been acting crazy as a bitch lately. He been letting her talk to him crazy and she anit been on her shit. So you know i had to get thing straight. First i called KJ to my office.

"Whats up?" He said when he came in my office.

"Whats up with you bruhh?" I immediately got to the point.

"What you mean?"

"You fucking the assistant again? Cause she been running around like she run shit. And you be letting ole girl talk to you crazy." He put his head down and I knew he had been fucking the girl. Kj knew it was impossible to hide anything from me thats why he always told me what was up.

"She was in my office the other day, she was looking good as fuck. So I fucked her and the condom broke. So she mad about it." He explained with his head in his hands.

"I know i fucked up. And if she pregnant Elizabeth gone find out and she gone leave me. But I'm not gone deny my child, Im gone take care of it." He said pulling his head up.

"Dats the outcome of fucking round when you got somebody, but Erica not about to run round this bitch fucking up. She can get da fuck!" I said. We was trying to close down the warehouse location for the time being and if its not done correctly everything could be fucked up.

"iight son, I understand. Imma fix her and when this shit gone get moved?"

"Its being packed up now, they'll be moving it out in about an hour." I explained, leaning back in my chair than taking a pulling from my blunt.

"Iight son." He said standing.

"Aye, Liz a good ass gig. Dont fuck up with her. She Loyal and down for you." I told him. He nodded his head and exited my office.

I waited at the warehouse until everything was moved into the trap houses. That took about two hour. We cleaned up the whole warehouse, that making it look like we sole house building supplies. I knew the police had been watching our ever move do we had to put up some kind of front. We had already had supplies to sell, and we planned on sell the shit for a couple months, till they off our asses.

It took about 8 hours to get everything how I wanted, but.it was all legal after I was done. Kj know to keep me around, I wad the call man on all clean up operation and I carried out all task, with no problem. Before leaving I made sure I left the Lights on.

After making it hone I called Jada.

"Hey" she answered in a sleepy but sexy ass voice.

"Whats up? I was just checking on you and letting you know I just made it home." Jada was a wonderful ass chick and I didn't mind waiting on her to get straight.

"Why you getting home so late?"

"Stocking lumber at the warehouse." I said.

"Ooh. I forgot about that. I thought you anit wanna talk to me so I took my sleepy ass to sleep."

"Naw, it wasnt like that. How was yo day thou?"

"It was good, Me and Lizzie went shopping before she went to work then I went to Check on the house I want to live in. But I don't have enough for it." She sounded sad about not getting the house. I had no problem helping my lil baby out.

"How much you need?"

"I need six thousand to buy it."

"Imma drop it off to you in the morning. You work tomorrow?" Jada was the kind of female you couldn't get enough off seeing, I just liked to chill and kick it with her.

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