Whats the Status

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Im srry about my late update. Im getting registered in school so ive beeb busy. But thanks for still supporting the book.

Alot about to go down in the next few chapters so stay tuned with the book. Yall gone appreciate it.






Elizabeth P.O.V

"Bae you can go to the store and get something for us to cook today?" King asked me as he made his way down the stairs. We was at his house, because he wanted some personal time with just him and I.

"Yeah, you need hygiene stuff to?" I asked getting up to get his car keys.

"Yeah." He answered coming out the kitchen with a sandwich and chips, on a plate. He kissed me and I left, going to Wal-Mart. On the way I decided to call Jada to see how she was feeling.

"Hello?" Devin answered the phone.

"Hay, what y'all doing?"

"Nothing, I'm about to take her to physical therapy, then to Smoothie King." He replied.

"Tomorrow her mouth get unwired right?"

"Yea, You and KJ coming?" He asked, referring to the doctors appointment.

"Yeah, we leaving when y'all leave."

"Alright, see y'all later on den." He said, then I told him by and hung up.

Pulling up to Wal-Mart, a truck came out in front me, coming close to hitting me, but stop.

"Im sorry ma'am, I didnt..." I heard a males voice speak, but trail off, causing me too look up. Looking up I couldn't believe who was actually standing at my car.

"You look familiar, what's yo name lil mama?" He asked me.

"I thought you was dead, you should be, and you need to be." I replied, showing no remorse at all.

"What the fuck? Watch how the fuck you talk to me!" He said, putting his hand behind his back.

"Let me refresh yo memory for you. Im the daughter of the "bitch" you didnt give a fuck about. The daughter of a women that you were responsible for killing. You dont remember that. And you actual think. I gives any fucks about you putting yo hands on yo gun, IM READY TO SEE MY MAMA AGAIN!" I said screaming the last part. I had so much hatred in my heart for this man.

"Elizabeth Thomas" he said lowly under his breath.

"Get the fuck away from my car, and find your fucking way to a grave, you a fucking demon!" I said, looking him straight in the face.

"You gone pay for them words bitch!" He said before walking too his truck and driving off. Parking in the spot near the entrance, I turned the car off. I had to gather myself before getting out.

Finally after composing myself I exited the car, going into the store. While I was on the hygiene side my phone started to ring.

"Bae!" King wined into the phone.

"Hmm?" I asked which trying to decide
Between Dove, Degree, or axe.

"What kind of Deodorant you use bae?" I added quickly.

"Axe! When you coming back home?" He askes impatiently.

"When I finish what im doing here. Anything in particular you want to eat?" I asked, pushing the basket to the grocery section.

"I dont know. Get Kam some Frosted Flakes to eat after school!"

"What you want to eat tho?" I asked finding the cereal aisle and get Kam's Frosted Flakes.

"You!" He said laughing.

"Jr!" I said trying to sound serious!

"Steak and potatoes."

"Okay, shee you when I get there." I said before hanging up.

King P.O.V

When Elizabeth got back she had more than she was supposed to and half of it was for Kamron. She got a marker and wrote 'Baby Boy' on the stuff the was particularly for Kamron.

"Dont touch his stuff, okay?" She asked when she seen I was watching.

"Imma try, naw gimme a kiss!" I asked Someone start knocking on my door, throwing me off.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Child protection Services!" The fuck they doing here. I know it probably was Alicia's doing sending them here, but it would only make her look bad! I opened the door and a men and a women was standing there.

"Hey how yall doin?"

"We're good, just looking for a man by the name of King Cooper.

"That's me!" I said opening the door more.

"We were sent to do a house check." The female stated. She was caramel colored, with long hair and brown eyes, She was cute.

"Come in then." I said moving aside.

"You live by yourself, King?" The girl asked, looking around the living room.

"Kamron, me, our cook, and maid. Sometimes my girlfriend stay here too." I answered, sitting on the sofa.

"Whats her name?" The women asked.


"And her occupation?"

"She a nurse at our lady of the lake." I said before leading the way into the kitchen. Elizabeth was sitting at the island eating.

"I thought you was cooking steak?" I was walking ahead the CPS detectives.

"I'll start after we go to get Kamron." She said standing to speak to our guest.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth Thomas." She said shaking both of they hands.

"Im Kelly and this is my partner Kevin and we are with Child Protective Services." Kelly said, introducing them.

"Ooh." She said with a confused expression. The detectives looked around the kitchen And in the cabinets.

"Yall have separate grocery?" Kevin finally speaking with a frown.

"No I just labeled everything that was personally for Kamron, cause King love snacks." Elizabeth said laughing, putting her arms around me. The detectives looked at the rest of the house and there was nothing that seemed to me a harmful to Kamron.

Me and Liz went to the Kamron school, then went to ny mama house. Pulling up to her house, the first thing that caught my eye was the ambulance and fire truck parked in front of the house and Kacey and Travis was walking out the house.

Parking my car on the curb I immediately hopped out the car, Elizabeth and Kamron following suit.

"What the fuck going on?" asked walking up to Kacey and Travis. Kacey had her head down, raising it once hearing my voice.

"Mama just had a heart attack, she on the way to the hospital now!" She said her voice barely audible.

"This just happened?" I asked.


"Was anybody gone call me. Or i was gine find out later, when it was to fucking late?" I said mugging Travis.

"Oh I forgot you very forgetful when this nigga involved. Thanks Kacey!" I said walking to my car. Getting in the car, Elizabeth called the Lady of the Lake to see was my mama there.

"Well do yall know her status?" She asked.

"Okay, tell Doctor Riley I'm almost there." She said before hanging up the phone.

I dont like to handle my lil sister like that but that was flat out inconsiderate and I knew it was because of Travis. Thats why Imma handle his pussy ass personallly. You never try to fuck up King Cooper family.

Never fuck with the Cooper family soildness.

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