That's not my problem

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Forgot to mention, that the beautiful lady in the mm is the beloved Elizabeth (Megan Good) IKNOW


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Elizabeth P.O.V

"Nurse, check your patient vital signs in room 304" Doctor Kevin Riley instructed me. I was on my first months working at the Baton Rouge General after graduating from Southern University Nursing Scool. Dr. Riley was assisting on getting me accustom to the job, but so far I was doing okay.

"How you feeling today Mr. Bates?" I asked the patient reading off of his chart.

"I'm doing ok, I was wondering when I'll be discharged!"

"From the looks of it Mr. Bates you'll be out by 12:00 today." I said getting the instrument ready for me to take Vital signs.

"Well Mr. Bates I'm Nurse Elizabeth, and I'm here to check your vital signs." I said

"Yes ma'am" he said, so I checked his vitals and left the room. After I attended a couple more patients it was lunch time so I called my boyfriend Tyler.

"Hello" he sounded like he had just woke up.

"Did I wake you up?"

"Nahh, I woke up a couple minutes ago. How your day going?"

"It's going good and yours?"

"It's not going all that good."

"Why, what happened?"

"Ashley came to my job causing a scene about Tamara" Ashely was the mother of Tamara, which was Tyler daughter and She was 4 years old.

"Oh well that's what you got yourself into."

"I know Liz damn." He had the nerve the catch a altitude like I'm the one cheated and had a kid.

"Whatever Tyler, call back when your altitude right!" I said and hung up.

After a couple more hours my shift was over so I went home. Once I made it home Tyler car was in the garage already. Coming through the door I seen Tyler laying on the sofa watching tv, so my plan was to ignore him.

I went to my room and undressed to take a shower. I was laying in bed when Tyler came into the room, apparently with an altitude. He grabbed the remote and changed the tv station so I put in my headphones and turn on some music.

Cant raise a man
Mmh mm
Ahh ah ah ahhh ah ahhh ah ah ahh
He got older, but never grew,
For his life he can't tell the truth.
How to love he ain't got a clue,
Playing games like he'll never lose you.
Try to talk to him, can't get through,
Every day he's a different dude.
These are the signs of a grown ass boy,
Better run for the hills,
I'm just trying to keep it real.
You can't raise a man.
He's already grown, what you gonna do?
You wonder why he acts like a boy.
It's 'cause he wasn't raised right before you
Girl, you ain't never gonna change nobody,
If he don't wanna, you can't make nobody.
'Cause you can't raise a man, no, no.
Coming home any time at night,
Expecting you to let it ride
How many tears are you gonna cry?

When I woke up, Tyler wasn't in the bed anymore. I walked downstairs seeing that Tamara and Him was watching TV. "Hey Ms. Liz!" She said running to me once she seen me.

"Hey Tamara, you hungry?"

"Yeah, can I have some Waffles and eggs?"

"Of course." Tamara and I walked into the kitchen preparing breakfast and Tyler walked in

"Tamara can I talk to Ms. Liz please?"

"Yes dad, I'll be watching tv if you need anymore help Mr. Liz"

"Okay, thanks little helper" she ran off into the living room to watch tv and I finished taking out the ingredients for breakfast.

"Liz I'm sorry for having a altitude with you yesterday, but you throwing the same stuff in my face is a little aggravating." He said sitting on the stool at the island.

"Well I'm sorry Tyler, but when I ask how your day going I truly don't want to hear anything about Ashley." I said

"I know Liz but she's she mother of...."

"I never said I had a problem with her I'm just saying I don't wanna hear about her." I cut in.

"That's not my problem!"

"You right it's not your problem."

"Okay" he said and I started cooking the rest of the breakfast ignoring him once again. After eating I went upstairs to the bedroom and put on some clothes to go visit my dad.

"Hey dad" I said walking into him office.

"Hey sweet heart. how are you?"

"I've been okay, how about you?"

"Aside from work I've been okay."


"How's Tyler?" I didn't know weather or not to tell my dad about the problems I was having with Tyler, but he's my dad and I needed his opinion.

"We not looking to good right now."

"Why not?"

"He's really rude and he don't understand me."

"Elizabeth, it wasn't even a 40 percent chance he was going to chance after he cheated on you. When your mom was alive she told you that your relationship with Tyler May not get better but do not stick around to change him because that isn't your responsibility."

"I know dad, but when we have good time it be really good, and I truly love him."

"Well when you get tired you'll understand that love has to be the same amount on each side to work."

"Thanks dad!"

"Your welcome Princess!"

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