Count it!

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Hey again, another update for yall.






- Koolaid

King P.O.V

The pass couple of weeks went by fast, it was mostly business and I'd get Kam when he wanted to come or Alicia had to work. Tomorrow we was going to deliver product to Mike and Ant trap house. I personally didn't think it was smart to put a hundred thousands dollars worth of products in one trap house, but they wasn't smart drug dealers. That's why I've been at the top of the drug game so long, drug dealers made stupid decisions that effected business. The smart thing to do would've been to stretch that between about ten houses. But it wasn't my responsibility to teach them the game, it was just to make sure I make money. I needed to make sure everything was ready to be delivered.

"How much y'all got in the truck bruh?" I asked walking up to the loading area.

"We got half of it in, Devin had a problem with the coke so we waiting on that." One of the niggas loading said. Why the fuck he wait till the night before delivery to have a problem with the coke. All that shit should've been hashed out last week. If any drugs was being processed it was for the new Monet house that was being opened. I found Devin talking to some nigga and smoking.

"Why the fuck the coke not on the truck bruh?"

"One of the workers put the wrong thing in so we had to check everything, but it's all good now."

"Alright I want all that shit loaded in a hour and stop smoking my shit, the lil nigga that's fucking up I want him out."

I was in the office going over the transaction report and the weighted report before the trucks left. I made sure they didn't have a gram over what they was paying for. Somebody knocked on the door

"Come in." It was the Assistant.

"Everything is ready, they're waiting on you." I was going with the team to be sure that everything went smoothly. Before we went to the trap house we circled the block a couple of times before backing the truck in the driveway.

"Go in" Devin told the operating men going to the back of the house. Mike came out of the house with ant and some of there boys. I got out my truck approaching Mike.

"Where the money?" I didn't have time to procrastinate, I wanted my money.

"In the house." Mike said walking into the trap house.

"Count it" I directed my assistant.

"You think we trying to jack you bruh?" Ant said with a smirk. I really didn't trust nobody, especially if I haven't don't business with them before. I heard Devin yelling sometime from the back door of the house, then a man came in behind Devin with a gun to his head.

"Well that answer your question ant!" I said.

Devin P.O.V

"Well that answer your question ant." KJ said looking at ant pull out his gun. I heard a gun shot and the gun that was up against my head was gone. Ant shot his gun at KJ, he ducked and hit ant. Pulling his gun out KJ shot Ant three times in the chest. Boys came out from different room in the house with guns. We had men in the house so we wasn't outnumbered. I went under my shirt for the gun that I had tucked in my pants, shooting toward Mike. I looked for KJ and I seen him laying across the floor. FUCK!

Elizabeth P.O.V

There was a lot of patient coming in and the lobby was packed. Most of the patient was pronounced died on arrive.

"Nurse Elizabeth, you have rooms 310, 312, 314, and 315." Dr. Coleman said coming to the Nurse station.

After collecting the charts for each patient I went to the first room. The patient name was Mike Brown he was 32 years old with a gun shot wound in the upper right arm and lower right leg. The doctors had stabilized him but he was on watch.

"Hey my name is Elizabeth and I'll be your Nurse, How are you feeling Mr. Brown?" I asked recording the his heart rate and blood pressure.

"I'm okay, Can I call my girlfriend?" He asked. I got the phone from the night stand and gave it to him.

"I'll check on you in a minute." I said walking out of his room. After leaving his room I put his chart in Dr. Coleman box, so she know that I've checked the patient. The next patient made my heart skip a beat.

"King Cooper Jr." I read out loud. The chart showed that he was stabilized but unconscious. Walking into the room I seen him laying in the bed. He had a sucking chest wound and his blood pressure was weak. It was ironic because his mother just left here a couple weeks ago. After recording the information on the chart I left the room.

"Nurse Elizabeth, Can you go see if that patient family is in the lobby?" I was still a little surprised that he was in the hospital, I was kind of happy I didn't give him my number, but he was cute and sweet.

"King Cooper Jr. Family" all most everyone in the lobby stood up. I seen his mother, sister and son so I approached them.

"The doctor would like to speak with just his immediate family." I said leading them to where Dr. Coleman was.

"Dr. Coleman, this is the Cooper family." I said pointing to his mother, sister, son, and two other gentlemen.

"Okay, Mr. Cooper is slightly stabilized, but his has slipped into a coma after the surgery to remove the bullilet." Dr. Coleman explained to the family. His mother started cry hearing the words from Dr. Coleman.

"So what's gone happen?" One of the men asked Dr. Coleman.

"We are going to keep him on watch, he should be coming out of the coma within a week." Dr. Coleman stated.

"Can we see him?" King mama asked.

"Yes Nurse Elizabeth will escort you to his room" Dr. Coleman went to attend a new patient that just came in with the paramedics.

"Here y'all are." I showed the family where King's room was and they all entered.

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