Should I continue?

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Hey readers! How have I been so far? Y'all like the book. I have a couple dramatic chapter for the readers that like drama.

The picture in the mm is Glen Oaks High.

Don't forget to comment to like me know what y'all think.






Elizabeth P.O.V

"Good night" I said to Dr. Riley before going to my car. My shift was over and I was beyond tired. I've been feeling uneasy about the note incident all day at work. I don't wanna take it to my dad, because he might blow things out of proportion. I didn't know if Jr was mad with me so I didn't want to call him, but I was driving home alone and need somebody to talk to and I know Jada was sleep.

"Hello" he deep groggy voice came through the phone.

"I woke you up?" I asked, not wanting to bother him.

"Since I'm not alright with you right now. Yes you did" he said with a slight seriousness in his voice.

"I'm sorry for acting like that earlier. I just felt like you were hiding that from me." I said pathetically.

"iight I'm gone forgive you, but you got to do something for me first." He said. I already knew he wore his famous smirk, on his face.

"And what is that?" I asked, challengingly.

"Take a wild guess" he said, boldy. I knew he was referring to sex, I guess I should since we only had intercourse once and I treated him rudely today. I been wanted him, on the downlow, since we first had sex.

"Okay, we'll see" I said, then remember the note incident as I pulled into my garage.

"Bae, guess what happened when you dropped me off?" I added before he had the chance responded.

"What?" He asked. I was scared to tell him but I knew if I didn't tell him when he did find out he'd probably be mad.

"When I got ready for work I went out to the garage, just about to get in my car and I seen a note..."

"What kind of note? Who got your keys to be in your garage?" He interrupted.

"If you let me finish. you'll know." I said

"Alright, continue Elizabeth."

"I read the note and it said:

Dear Elizabeth, I know what I did you was wrong, but I was always taught to never give up on love. I love you Elizabeth and I will never let you go. You'll always be mines! If I can't have you, NO ONE ELSE WILL!
I don't know how he get into my garage because I took my house keys and garage remote. The only other person that have my keys is Jada." I concluded.

"What's his full name?"

"Jr.." I didn't want Jr and Tyler to have any altercation but seem as thou Jr had other plans because he was persistent in finding out his name.

"What's his name?" He asked again.

I kelp silent on the phone, Jr broke the silent with a aggravated tone.

"What's his fucking name bruhh?"

"Tyler McKinley!" I gave in, not wanting to frustrate him or make him feel I was covering for Tyler.

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