Lost for words!

370 16 0

Elizabeth P.O.V

Leaving the hospital when my shift was over, Tyler texted me saying that he wanted to meet with me at Chili's, so I went straight there. I walked into Chili's and asked for the table reserved by Tyler McKinely. The waitress led me to a table by the window where Tyler was siting waiting.

"Hey bae, what's up with chu?" He said as I sat down.

"Hey Ty, How was your day?"

"It was good, I'm off tomorrow so that's good!" Tyler was a manger at the Exxon plant and he barley got off days, so we never had days where we just chilled. For I while he was unemployed, so I was the only one in the house bringing in money, so I guess he works a lot to make up.

"I have the night shift at the hospital tomorrow."

"So we can chill together before you go?"

"Yeah, did you order?"

"No I was waiting on you" he said looking at his phone. I took the phone and locked it putting it in my purse.

"I was trying to see who played tonight."

"Thats not my problem, find out when you get home." He called for the waiter to take orders.

"Hey I'm y'all' waiter today, May I ask what y'all drinks are?"

"Umm, Can I have a water?" I asked taking off my jacket.

" I want a sprite" Tyler said watching the waiter, while he wrote down our order.

"And y'all meal?"

"I'll have the ribs with the Mac and cheese with the crust on top and a corn" I said.

"And your sir?"

"Can I have the nachos for right now?" If Tyler could do anything thing I know he could eat, so I knew we was going to be here for awhile. That reminded me, I needed to go to Sam to get some Grocery. The waiter walked off and Tyler turn his attention back to me.

"We haven't done this in a long time"

"I know, you need to stop slackin sweet buns" I said laughing.

"I'm getting straight sweet buns".

"But forreal, I know I can be petty at times but I don't be meaning to. The fact that Ashely was the girl that you cheated on me with had me wondering, so I don't be wanting to here about the problems you be having with her, cause I feel like you went to her so you put yourself in the situation."

"I know I did you bad and I'm so sorry for putting you through it. and I didn't know you felt that way."

"Well, now you know."

"I love you though Liz." The waiter came with our food and drinks a couple minutes later.

"Bae, them nachos look so go, give me one" I said reaching my hand over to his plate only for it to be slapped back.

"Nope. Keep yo dirty little finger over there."

"Don't play with me" I was trying so hard to look serious but it wasn't working.

"Please" I begged after I seen that he wasn't having my fake mad act.

"Okay, if I can have some of yo Mac and Cheese." I grabbed some of his nachos, laughing because I knew I was gone try to jack him.

"No, you not getting my stuff boy. Eat yo own food" I said after I ate his nachos, grabbing my bowl of Mac and cheese.

"Girl you better give me some before I cause a scene."

Loving the Hustler ( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now