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Alicia in The MM! 

Elizabeth P.O.V

When I woke up I turned to my side looking for King, but he wasn't in the bed. I got out the bed, and seen some clothes on the end table onside of where I went to sleep. I took the clothes and went into the bathroom and showered. After showering I dried off and put on the sweats and the big shirt.

I looked around the house for King and found him in the kitchen setting the table with some grits, eggs, bacon, biscuits, and orange juice. He just had on gym short and socks, with no shirt.

"Morning" I said kissing him then siting at the table.


"This look good." I said

"Your turn to pray, since you the guest this time."

"Okay. God thank you for waking us up this morning, thank you for blessing us with this meal on the table. Lord I want you to know that I am grateful for the man that you have put in my life, in your name lord."

"Amen" he said.

"What time you work today?" he asked me.

"I work the night shift" I said then start eating some of my breakfast.

After we finish eating we went back to his room to watch a movie, We settled on 'The Asylum'. I cuddled up under him and watched the movie. After our first time having sex I expected him to act different but he didn't. I was kind of happy he took thing slow with me because if he wouldn't have, I don't think I'd be able to walk. Yes he was that good.

"What you thinking bout?" He said pulling me out my thoughts.

"Nothing" I lied, but I could tell he knew I was lying by the look on his face.

"Lies" he said flipping over, so that he laid on top of me.

"I'm not" I said trying to move from under him, but failing miserably. He looked at me cocking his head to the side. I decided on telling him, because he was going to continue to bother me about it. Sometimes I be feeling like he read minds.

"Okay, I was thinking bout last night." I said inhaling deeply.

"What about it?"

"The whole thing." He raised up off me and sat up in the bed looking down at me. I could read the look of disappointment in his eyes.

"You told me, that's what you wanted" he said with a frustrated expression.

"No I'm not saying that, I just was think about it. I don't regret it, at all."

"Oh I was that good?" He asked with a smirk, biting his bottom lip.

"I don't know about good, but you was alright." I could hold my laughter, so I just let it out. He watched me laugh, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Girl I'm the shit!" He said laughing at himself.

King P.O.V

After dropping Elizabeth off at her house, so she could get ready for work, I went to the Warehouse. Driving up the street I seen the same Silver Toyota that was cruising pass Alicia house. I called Devin so he can get some men on this, cause I seen this same car to many times.

"What's up?" He said answering the phone on the third ring.

"You seen this silver Toyota parked across from the warehouse?"

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