The Cooper Family

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- Koolaid

Elizabeth P.O.V

"Nurse this is the chart for your new patient in Room 312!" The secretary in the nurses station said handing me the chart. On the way to the patient room Dr. Riley stopped me saying:

"It's suspected that this patient is a diabetic but we are waiting on the lab reports, come with me to get the family.

"The Cooper family." Dr. Riley said reading the patient chart.

"Right here." A man stood up and what looked like the rest of the family came behind him. He was Carmel colored with tattoos, he was dressed with swag. There was a small boy that walked onside of him, that looked like his son. There was a women that walked on the opposite side of the guy, She looked scared and nervous.

"Sir how are you related to Ms. Cooper?" Dr. Riley asked.

"She my mother and her mother also." The guy said pointing toward the girl that walked onside of him.

"Well I'm Dr. Riley and this lady here is nurse Elizabeth." Dr. Riley said gesturing toward me.

"Hay, I'm King Cooper Jr, how's my mother doing?"

"We have managed to get her blood sugar down and she is now awake, but due the the medication she's on she is a little tired."

"Can we see her?" King asked Dr. Riley.

"Yes, Nurse Elizabeth will take you to her room. Y'all have a nice day!" Dr. Riley said excusing himself. I turn and led the way to Ms. Cooper room. Approaching the door I knocked and entered the room.

"Hi Ms. Cooper, I'm Your nurse. My name is Elizabeth and your family is here to see you, I'll be back in a minute to check your vital signs!" I said.

"Thanks." Ms. Cooper said, so I left the room to find Dr. Riley. It's crazy because that wasn't my first time hearing King name, but I can't remember we're I hear it from. I found Dr. Riley coming out of a patient room.

"What treatment are you doing for Ms. Cooper?" I asked him approaching him.

"After I get the lab results and the vital signs I'll be able to get her a treatment."

"Okay I'll get the vital signs to you in a minute." I walked to the nurse station and sanitized the instruments that I needed to check her vital signs. When I walked into the room the family was talking with the patient but they stopped when they noticed me there and watched me.

"Hey Ms. Cooper, How you feeling?" I said, checking the monitor that monitored her heart rate.

"I'm feeling a little tired, that's all."

"Ooh I'm sorry about that, but that's a side effect to the medication that we put you on." I said.

"So how long she'll be in here?" King stood up, looking at me with a questioning look.

"We are waiting for the lab results so we know what to do or how long it will take."

"Oh." After checking the blood pressure and the heart rate I was done.

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