Lets Bet on This!

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I worked on this all day.


Elizabeth P.O.V

Last week King showed me his warehouse and showed me his other businesses as well, but today he was getting his drug test. I knew he would fail the test, I never met a drug dealer who didn't at least smoke. Jr was meeting me at the CVS and I had just pulled up, going In to buy the drug test. After buying the test Jr texted me telling me he was outside.

"Hey" he said as he met me coming out CVS.

"Hey" I said reaching him the bag.

"Where we gone do this at?" He asked.

"In the CVS, come on" I said leading the way.

"Where you going?" He asked as he followed.

"Watch you pee." I said holding in my laughter, successfully.

"Really?" He asked, astonished.

"Yeah come on." I said, grabbing his arm. Walking into the women's bathroom Jr covered his eyes.

"Nobody in here" I said laughing at his reaction. We went in the handicap stall and he opened up the cup. He unzipped his pant and got out his member. Looking at me he smirked.

"What?" I asked, trying to hide my blush. He peed in the cup and finished in the toilet. After finishing he handed me his cup of pee.

"Eww, this is gross." I said sticking the drug sticks into the cup.

"Let's bet on this." He said as we waited on the test.

"Okay, what's the bet?" I asked.

"I get a real hug and kiss if I pass, this drug test." he challenged.

"And if I win?"

"You can leave me." He said confidently.


After a moment the test was ready. I couldn't believe my eye, they had to be playing a trick on me.

"Oh my good! You told the truth" I was surprisingly more happier than I expected to be. I knew I'd be happy but when I found out he was clean I felt that we'd have hope, because I really like him.

"Where my kiss and hug?" He asked pulling me in. He captured my lips, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. I couldn't lie, I miss the amazing feeling of being in his presence. Sliding his tongue across my bottom lip, he asked for entrance and I allowed. I moaned against his lips as he kissed me so passionately. He smiled at my moan causing me to smile.

"I miss you ma." he said hugging me.

"I miss you too" I said truthfully.

"Can we go?" I laughed realizing, that we was still in the women's stall. He unlocked the stall and went out. An older lady enter the bathroom, instantly seeing jr. Embarrassment was the only thing in his expression, when the lady seen him.

"What the hell you doing in here? Should I call security?" She asked him, frowning.

"No ma'am, I was just leaving" Jr replied to her, exiting the restroom, I followed him out laughing. I laughed until we made it outside.

"That's really funny to you?" He smirked watching me compose myself.

"Yeah" he wrapped his arms around me before speaking.

"I'm sorry I put you through that Elizabeth, I promise you don't have to go through all this, in order to trust me." he intertwined our finger, looking me into my eyes.

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