Not like that

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Elizabeth P.O.V

After King found out his mana was in the hospital, he immediately made his way to the hospital. When making it we had to wait an hour for Doctor Riley to call for her family to the back.

Kacey, Bj, and Travis had made it to the hospital by the time Dr. Riley called.

"So she was in Cardiac Arrest as expected. We've gotten he heart rate kinda stable, but she is now in a on which, as a result of the Cardiac Arrest. She is under medicatiin right now so she is a little sleepy." The doctor reported to the family. King looked confused for a minute, but I guess he didnt want to ask any questions.

"So can we see her now?" Asked Kacey.

"Yeah, I'll take yall there now!" Doctor Riley stated before showing the way to Mama Cooper room. Walking into the room, she looked like she was barely alive. She laid there trying to stay awake.

"Yall here? Is that my babies?" Sge said tryibg to raise to see them but couldn't. King hung his head lowly, disappointed at the state of his mother.

"I love y'all so much! Ive really raised some incredible children." She stated, drifting in and out of sleep.

"Mama, go to sleep, we'll talk when you wake up!" King said, sounding like he was trying to prove it to himself.

"What if I dont wake up? I want yall to know how I feel before I'm sent to my father." She said, with tears in her eyes she reached for a hug from her son, which he gladly accepted. She rgen hugged her daughter tgen her two grandson.

"Elizabeth, I want you to take care my boy and ensure that he be good. And dont let Alicia take that boy from him, you hear me." She said, falling asleep afterwards. King stood watching her with tears in his eyes, grabbing his hand I embraced him. He laid on my shoulder silently crying.

"I can't do this baby, im not going to watch my mama die." His said lowly, in his deep voice.

"Lets just pray about it bae, all we can do is have hope that she makes it out this!" I said squeezing his hand. He kissed my lips and released my hand, leaving the room immediately after.

After sitting in the room with Mama Cooper for about four hours King came back into the room. She had on different clothes then he had before leaving four and a half hours later.

"She woke up yet?" He asked, looking at his mom laid in the bed.

"No, she haven't woken up yet." I responded, rubbing Kamron's back as he shifted in his sleep. I didn't understand what else King could've been doing when his mother was in the hospital.

"You ready to go?" He asked standing with his keys in his hand.

"You good, my dad is on the way to get me." I responded, watching Kamron sleep.

"So you was gone up and leave without telling me? Leaving Kamron here?" He had a altitude after he was the one to left for almost five hours.

"No I was talking him home with me. Its obvious he's tired and this isnt a comfortable way for him to sleep Jr!" I said trying to not argue with him in the room with his sleeping mom.

"He good, you can gone head." He said taking Kamron and laying him on the other sofa. I watched King as he took Kamron, with intentions to make me made.

"Really?" I asked standing. He checked me and sat down where I was once seated. Once realizing he wanted to be mad at me, I left the room going outside to wait for my daddy.

"Where's Kamron? I thought he was coming with you?" My dad asked once I got into his car.

"King have him." I said looking out the window as we pulled away from the hospital.

After sleeping all day I pushed myself out the bed to go to work. I knew that King mother was one off my patients and I'd probably have to see him, but i planned to ignore him. After getting ready I headed out the door making it to work in 20 minutes.

"Hey Nurse Elizabeth, how you doing?" Asked Doctor Riley once seeing me enter the nurses station. I completed my logges for all my patients, making out to mama Cooper room. She laid in the bed sleep. Kamron was laid across one of the sofas in the room and King was on the other, on his phone.

"Hey Liz!" Kamron said, running to me after realizing I was in the room.

"Hey baby boy!" I said hugging him.

"What you doing here?" He asked after we hugged.

"I work here." I said picking up my chart from the floor. I went to Ms. Cooper monitor recording. Her data. King didn't say anything the whole time that i was in the room, acting as if i did something to him.

Kacey P.O.V

After I got off work at eight i went to Our Lady of the lake to see my mama. It wasnt just effecting King that our mother was sick, it crushed me. At a time like this you'd expect for siblings ti syuck close but King was pullin away, not from just me but his girlfriend as well.

Walking on the floor I spotted Elizabeth in the nurses station. She was at her computer, so I walked to her side.

"Hey Nurse Elizabeth Cooper!" I said getting her attention.

"Hey girl. You doing okay?" She asked, referring to my mother. She was so sweet heated thats why my mom liked her so much. She always was worried about someone else, King never had anyone like her. But i knew i we a matter of time he'd lost her. He was pushing her away when she wanted to be there for him.

"Im trying to maintain. What about you?" I asked.

"I'm okay, just have a lot of patients." She said standing and getting a clipboard that was just placed in her box by the male doctor that called us to the back the first time.

"You my mama nurse this time?"

"Of course."

"I'll see you later than busy lady." I said before walking to my mama room. King was sitting at her bed side talkin to here.

"How she doing?" I asked him.

"I dont know, she just been sleeping all day." He raised his head to look at me.

"We just gottah hope for the best KJ, thats the only thing we can do."

"Where daddy at?" He asked, wanting to cry.

"At home, he said he dont want to see her like that" I said remembering the conversation with papa.

"Its killng Kj that your not up there supporting mama, i think you should come up there. Even if it makes him happy." I said trying to persuade him to come to mom.

"I don't want to see my wife in those conditions. Jr's going to have to toughen up about it. Im sorry Kacey!" He responded.

"Kj why you pushing Liz away from you, she wanna be there for you. You need to let her." I tried to explain.

"You think I'm worried about her right now? Hell no."

"Well when you ready for her again, pray she won't be gone." I preached.

"You want me to fall on my ass for her? Like you doing with Travis. I care bout her and i might really love her but i git all my shit controlled."

Kj really trippin. Ion think it safe to treak Liz like that. She a good girl.






Love yall!

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