Home sweet home

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King P.O.V

Today I finally go home after being in this lonely ass hospital for a week. Last night I texted Devin and got him to bring me some clothes that I could put on before I left the hospital. Kacey was coming to pick me up from the hospital so we can go to this dinner mama had at the house for the family.

"Hey Jr, you leaving me today?" Elizabeth said coming into the room with some papers in her hand, I'm guessing they was my discharge papers and prescription.

"Yeah, we could meet up on the streets anytime thou." I said putting on my shirt.

"Aww, you can't have me being disloyal." she said with a big ass smile on her face. I knew she wanted me but my plan was to get her and keep her, I'm tried of fucking around with hoes, I want a women.

"Nahh, we can just be friend if that's what you want, I Anit no home recker." I wanted to be with her but I Anit want to push thing so I just let the pieces fall where they landed.

"We gone see how things work out." My phone started vibrating in my pocket and Elizabeth started looked at me with a unreadable expression.

"Why you looking like that ma?" I asked looking at my phone to see who text me. She just started shaking her head. I knew she was thinking that it was some chick, but I'm not a hoe. Well not anymore.

"Gimme a hug." I stretched my arms out to hug her, but she just looked at me

"I Anit know you was a player." she said trying to shake the look on her face, but it wasn't working all that good.

"I'm not a player, this my sister telling me she outside."

"So be kool." I said putting my phone in my pocket and grabbing my bag.

"Well, text me okay?" She said walking to the door.

"Will do!" I left out the room after her and went to the front of the hospital waiting for Kacey to come get me. She pulled up in her white Avalancher. It had pink trimming and it's had some pink decor on the doors. She had chrome rims with a pink background and the grill in the front of the truck was chrome also. All her windows was tented except the driving window. The inside she had pink leather seats and the rest of the interior was white. She had tv's on the back of her seats like my Cadillac.

"You want to go to your house first then mama house or straight to mama house?" She asked me once I got in the truck.

"No let's go straight there, I don't want to have her waiting on us."

"So did you accomplished yo goal?" She asked pulling off from the hospital.

"What was my goal?"

"To get the Nurse number."

"What you think? Don't I always get what I want?"

When we finally pulled up to mama house we went inside the house. Travis, Kamron, Alicia, and some of my other Aunties, uncles and 1st cousins was there. So I see she had a big dinner planned instead.

"Okay everyone is here, y'all can come into the dinning room, so we can eat now." My mama said when she seen me and Kacey made it to the house. We all made our way to the dinning room waiting for mama to start prayer.

"God I want to thank you for having all of my family here today and to enjoy this meal that I prepared for us today. Lord I come to you today to just thank you for blessing us with even the small things and thank you for getting us through the struggle and pain we face daily. In your name Lord I pray."

"Amen." Everyone said at the same time. Mama had a whole fest prepaid for us. I loved my mama with every bone in my body. She always cared for us and never let us go without, I wouldn't love her any less if we did. When I was younger she always protected me from any harm, she knew that I was in the game and she knew my pops taught it to me, that's what disappointed her about me.

"Mama this food is hella good" I said then sticking a fork full of food in my mouth.

"Watch yo mouth and thanks" she said laughing.

After the food we all just sat there talking about old times and my mama, aunties, and uncles life as children.

"I remember when Anne was about 10 years old, she still was sucking a bottle, but it was kool-aid." Uncle Melvin said laughing.

"I bet I wasn't thirsty" My mama said laughing at Melvin.

"Marvin you remember Anne first boyfriend?" Uncle Steve said joining in on the conversation.

"Do I, we use to run that boy all over Baton Rouge. What that was we use to call him?" Melvin said snapping his fingers.

"Big shoe Ricky! That boy was a clown." Uncle Steve said shaking his head.

"Junior how it's going with you and Alicia with Kamron?" Uncle Steve asked turning the conversation to me.

"It's good, he just turned 6, so we threw him a party."

"That's good, y'all raise that boy right okay?"

"Kamron is Junior pride and Joy. He gone handle his business with Kam." My mama said.

We talked for a little while longer about nah and everything. Until Pops stood up grabbing everybody attention.

"Hey everyone, Ann have something really important she needs to say to y'all." he said looking at my mama. She stood after pops got everyone attention.

"Okay as everybody know I just recently come out of the hospital from my diabetes, a couple weeks ago." She stopped and grabbed pops hand squeezing it like she was having a hard time getting it all out.

"What's up ma?" I said.

"Well they ran test on me and in the test they found out that I have breast cancer and it's spreading. The doctors are talking about Chemotherapy as a trial treatment but they do not know if it will work or not" she said with tears in her eyes. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I don't want to lose my mama, I know people have to leave this world but not my mom, not yet.

"Anne, Why are you just telling us this? Haven't you been out the hospital for about a month now" My uncle Melvin asked. He was my grandmother oldest child so he felt like he needed to look out for his siblings after his mom passed away.

"I just didn't know how to say it, and I didn't want to see y'all depressed or nothing like that, because if I ever leave this earth I'm going to a better place. God is ready for me when I go."

"Ma..." I really didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I was hurt that it happened to her or mad that she hid something like that from me. But whatever she does she has a reason behind it. I got up from the table and hugged my mama and gave her a kiss. I hate to see her cry but I hated that she had to fight with cancer even more.

"I love you so much ma, and if you want us to not be depressed about it, we will try out hardest." she hugged me back and I heard her crying on my shoulder, I just rubbed her back telling her that it will be alright, we will make it through this storm.

God why you doing this to my family?

Okay I updated again for yall.




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