Damn, its like that now?

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Hey, too all of my readers. Sorry this update took so long, I just had a lit of ideas. But tell me how you like it!





King P.O.V

"You alright" I walked in Kamron room. He was sittin in his bed playing the game. It's been about a month since somebody put a gun against his head. I couldn't believe that happened, but I didn't trust them nigga so I didn't put it passed them. As far as Tyler, let just say I got one of my niggas to handle him.

"I'm good, I want to see Ms. Liz today," Elizabeth haven't talked to me since that altercation. I try to talk to her but she just tell me she not ready yet. None of what was going on, stopped her from wanted to see and spend time with Kamron. When she wanted to talk to him she'd just call and ask or when he wanted to see her he'd get me to call her.

"Alright, I'll call her and see." I said pulling out my phone.

"Hello" Elizabeth answered the phone on the 3rd ring.

"Hey, Kamron want to see you" I said.

"I'll meet you in like a hour, I'm about to get off."

"Okay, will meet where?" I asked patiently.

"Where ever you are at the moment." she said.

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." she said hanging up.

"We gone meet her in about a hour." I told him.

"Put some clothes on" I added leaving out the room.

I wanted Elizabeth back really bad, but I knew I had lied to her so I had to suck it up. But that Anit stop me from trying, when I had the chance.

I went to my room so I could get ready to leave. Going into my closet I found some Levi Jeans and a polo shirt. After getting dressed I went downstairs. Kamron was at the table eating breakfast, that the chef had prepared.

"Your having the same thing as Kamron this morning ?" The cook asked me as I sat at the table with Kam.

"Yeah" I answered. The chef went into the kitchen and cooked my waffles, eggs, and bacon. I looked at Kamron and remember he was having issues with the leaving of his mother.

"You miss yo mama lil man?" I asked Kamron.

"Huh?" He asked.

"You miss yo mama?" I repeated, this time a bit more louder.

"Yeah." he responsed, looking at me. I felt bad for him, because I knew she had hurt him by leaving him.

"You want to see her?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know, she don't want to see me so I don't want to see her." he said continuing to eat his food.

"Why you so attached to Elizabeth?" I tapped the table, earning his attention.

"I don't know, she a nice and I like her and she looked out for me when all that stuff happened." He frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry for having you exposed to that, I promise as soon as I figured something was wrong I was there."

"I know, you always be there for me dad. And it's okay, I understand that stuff happens" he smiled. The chef brought my food and we eat in a comfortable silence.

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