Delivery For Elizabeth Thomas!

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Hello again my lovely readers. How y'all feeling tonight? Good?

Well here's another update for y'all. I hope that it's enjoyed.







Chris P.O.V

After about a week I had known most of the things I needed to know at the trap house. I was low key happy Jimmy was there to vouch of me. In the trap house I was placed at, everybody was fresh to the game, like me. They also respected me because I was a dealer for KJ.

I told Jada I was pulling in extra hours, she didn't have a problem with it, because she knew we needed the money. She just couldn't know I was dealing.
While in the kitchen braking down some weed, somebody started knocking at the door.

"Chris, KJ here!" One of the other dealers said.

"What's up?" He said walking into the kitchen.

"Shit, trying to make money." I said. He sat down at the table watching we weight and pack the weed.

"How much you made here this week?" He asked, while he unlocked his phone.

"Just half a G." I said, packing my last ounce.

"Come to my office, I got a different location for you, and you can pick yo products up from there too." He said, before locking his phone and standing. I got all my stuff, put it in on plastic bag, wrapping it with duck tape and putting it in my sock.

Trailing him out the house I went to my car. I appreciate King helping me out, cause a nigga wasn't making no money. Driving behind King, my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I answered the phone.

"Hey bae, what you doing?" Jada voice came through the phone.

"Nothing. what you doing?" I lied.

"On the way to Lizzie house, she bored because KJ had something to do."

"Oh forreal?" I asked as I pulled up to a warehouse.

"Yea, when you gone be home?" She asked.

"Prolly 6 o'clock." I answered.

"Ugh, okay bye." she said before hanging up. she was mad about me working late. But I needed to take care of things. King get to be around a lot cause he own the shit.

"This way my nigga!" King said hopping out his truck.

Following him into the building, I smelled a mixture of different drugs.

"King, this shit strong!" I said covering my nose.

"Call me KJ son, and you might as well get use to it, if you tryna make money you gone smell some worser shit." she said walking into a room. Entering the room, it looked like a office.

"This my office, when I'm here, this where you can find me." he said as he adjusted himself comfortably in his chair.

"I wanna start you off in crack lab, but ion know if you can handle that, but they get paid 40 dollars a hour and they work 12 hour shifts." he explained. The numbers looked good, so I wanted to try shit out.

"Let me train in dat field." I said.

"iight, let me get my assistant to get yo ass out my office, ab don't try to flirt, cause I'll tell Jada inna minute." he said laughing. He picked up a phone on his desk calling the assistant to his office.

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