The Verdict!

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Almost the end


Elizabeth P.O.V

I didn't have anywhere for Kamron to go for Jr Court day. My daddy would be there and Jada and Devin. So I had no choice but to bring him. After getting him then myself ready to go we headed to the court house, meeting Jada, Devin, Kacey, her small family, Jr dad and my daddy there. I was kinda scared of the outcome to this while situation. I wanted my man back for sure but it was mostly because his son. Jr thought he didn't know what was going on but thats not the case. Kamron was a smart, and I'd hate to see him turn bad. Thats why I'm going to stuck by him, regardless of the outcome.

"You okay?" Kacey asked as we where waiting to enter the court room.

"Yeah I'm okay." I answered.

"Hows Kamron? He wont talk to me." She stated. She had a little sadness in her eyes.

"He just want his dad. And the next person he thought he could go to next isn't there. He doesn't have his grandmother anymore you know. He too young to go through what he going through. He don't know what else to do but shut down." I explained.

"You right. If Jr get time, I'll be here for you and Kamron. Whenever you need help." She said. Offering her help. She was a good sister to Jr, Jr just dint realize that.

We went into the court room and sat for about 45 minutes until they escorted the prisoners in. King was the third on in line. He searched the room until his eyes landed on us. We all sat in the corner close to where the guard stood. I waved at him and he waved back.

"Daddy!" Kamron yelled upon seeing his father. The guard looked at Kamron, but didn't say anything. Jr blew a kiss a Kamron.

"Looka my paw!" He told me smiling. He was so happy to see Jr, and i know his heart would be broken if he was sentenced to serve a lot of time.

"I see him baby boy, blow him a kiss back." Kamron excitedly blew him a kiss back. Jr then started talking senior. King felt like it was over for him. And being honest I fell at fault for all what he was going through. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have had that done to Tyler.

The Judge walked in the court room about 35 minutes after the prisoners was escorted in.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Trudy White!" Said the sheriff that stood by the pool area. The judge sat then responded;

"Take your seats." I sat down. Listening to all the crazy thing people had going on was somewhat entertaining. When it was King's turn the Judge requested a lunch break. I knew Jr was aggravated and relieved at the same time. He winked and sent me a kiss before they escorted the prisoners back in.

"You hungry baby boy?" I asked Kamron. As we sat in the almost empty court room.

"A little bit. But I Don't feel like eating yet. I'll eat later." He said sweetly.

Devin P.O.V

After I left Jada house the other day when she was acting like a ass I didn't get the chance to chill with her. So I hadn't seen her in a couple day. When the Judge sent her self on lunch I asked Jada to walk outside with me, but first I had to talk to lil Kam. He was chillin by Elizabeth.

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