Can We Go To Grandma House?

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Hey this is my first book.! Please Vote, Comment, Share! Thank You!

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King P.O.V

"Devin, I need my money from the trap house on Monet street! These bitches playing with my money still!"

The workers in the trap house I owned in Mall city always short on money and/or late brining my money to me. I been running the drug business since I was 17 years old and now I'm 25 years old, the biggest drug dealer in Louisiana, running trap houses all through Louisiana. I'll be damned if I let these wanna dealers fuck with any of my money.

"They was suppose to be by here last night!" Devin said, breaking down some coke that just came in. "iight we need to get over there tonight, 11 sharp." Somebody started beating on my office door. "Devin see who the fuck that is knocking on my door like that!" He got up from my desk and headed to the door, Alicia was at the door with Kamron, so he left out the room. I met Alicia at a party and we hooked up that night and about two months later the contacted me and said that she was pregnant with Kam, so I had to handle my business.

"What I told you about coming here like that girl?"

I still mess with Alicia ever now and then but most of the time she irks me, she always arguing about something.

"You was suppose to come and get Kam yesterday. You one sad ass nigga."

"I texted you and told you I was gone come get him tonight because I had some stuff to handle!"

"I don't wanna hear all that, your stupid ass always gone some kind of excuse KJ." She walk up to Kam telling him to be good and gave him a kiss.

"Where my kiss at Alicia?"

"I damn sure Anit got it for you" I laughed at her and she left.

"What's up Kam Kam?"

"Nothing, Daddy can we go to Grandma house?"

"Yeah let's go." On my way out of the warehouse I told my assistant to arrange a meeting for the team to meet at 10:00.

When we made it to my mama house Kam immediately ran out the car. "Mama there go Kam Kam and his ugly daddy" Kacey, my sister, said when me and Kam made it in the house. My mama came out the kitchen with a dish rag and Kam ran to her giving her a hug and a kiss. Kam loved my mom a lot, every time he with me he want to go to her house.

"Why yo ugly ass always here?" I said sitting on the couch by Kacey.

"Because mama told me she was bored. Why yo dog ass here?"

"Kam wanted to come, where Travis?" Travis was Kacey boyfriend, he use to work for me until he met my sister and got out the game.

"He at work"

"Oh" I got up and when in the kitchen where my mama and Kam was. Kam was licking the cake spoon and my mama was sitting at the table drinking coffee reading some paper.

"How you doing ma?" I said sitting at the table with her. "I'm doing good, how about you King?" She said folding the paper and sitting it to the side.

"I been alright, You had your shot yet today?" My mama was a diabetic and most of the time she 'forget' to take her medication. Her diabetes would be bad on her at times.

"Yeah, Kacey just reminded me." "Good" " What was that you was reading when I came in?" "It was nothing" I grabbed the paper and unfolded it "Damn ma, why haven't you told me you needed help with your bills?" "King, it's okay I'll wait to pay it on the 1st." I went into my pocket and gave her a roll of money. "Here ma!" "No KJ, I don't want yo money I can handle myself." I grabbed her hand and put the money in her hand. "Ma it'll make me feel better of you took the money." She closed her hand and put the money in this jar that's in the cabinet.

"Kam, you want something to eat?" My mama asked Kam

"No ma'am"

"You having a party for your 6th birthday?"

"Yeah, my mommy and daddy having me one."

Lord it's crazy how my son came out so proper. My phones started to vibrate so I checked the message

Assistant: The meeting is set up and everyone will be there for 10

Me: iight, I want everything set up when I get there!

Assistant: Yes Sir

While I was texting my assistant I decided I would text Alicia while I had da chance.

Me: Can Kamron stay with me till Friday?

Alicia: You gone get his outfit for his party while you have him?

Me: Yeah, we going tomorrow. You need money for anything for the party?

Alicia: No I got everything.

Me: iight.

After texting Alicia I went to the living room where Bryan, Kacey, and Travis. Bryan was Kacey ex boyfriend and baby daddy. "Wassam Bee?" I said.

"Shit dropping off BJ."

"Where he at?"

"He just went outside to get his stuff."

"Oh." "Kacey, can yu watch Kam while I make a run?" I added.

"Yeah, where he at?" "In the kitchen with mama."


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