Chapter 110

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Mariana's POV

I'm dying.

Okay, I'll rephrase: I'm having a heart attack.


Maybe not.

Oh my god I think she's staring...

My eyes glance at the reflection of the microwave as she sits at the counter, and I immediately bit my lip stirring up the cocoa mix....

She's soooooo staring.

I took a deep breath to turn around and handed her a hot cup of cocoa and she smiles genuinely before drinking it.

I just sat mine to the side, I'm so nervous right now, I can't even put anything on my stomach without fearing it might come back up.

I mentally played it off as I rest my head and dreamily watched her down her cocoa and I couldn't help but smile.

Cindy's advice is literally too well thought out, everything is going as planned, I might be able to pull this off.

I come from behind and massage Olly's shoulders and she tenses up to my touch, "how was your morning?" I kissed the side of her cheek and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I got hit in the face with a snowball by some kids on the way here," she simply says as she eases into me.

"Aw, is everything okay? Nothing hurts?" I closely examine her face and one of her cheeks are slightly more pinker than the other- is she blushing?

Yay yay yay!

I made her blush!

I kissed her cheek where she was hit and I could feel her smile as her hand snakes around the back of my thigh, pulling me in closer to her. And her other softly goes to the back of my head as she brings me in for a kiss on the lips.

Cindy told me she was experienced but damn, we're not even undressing, we're just kissing and I'm fighting this hard to keep from moaning.

Mariana, no. You're running the show- or at least I think... I don't know, she's realllllllyyyyy good with her tongue right now.

I mentally fight myself as her lips escape mine and they start trailing my neck, I have no idea how to take control of the situation. This wasn't in the script- no I'm fucking serious.

I naturally rest my hand on her laps and I did was Cindy advises if I can't get control, I take:

My other hand trails up Olly's body and I gently hold a firm grip around her neck for me to dominantly kiss her.

An evil yet sexy giggle I never heard from her echoed in my ear and I naturally broke away from her.

Olly's bluish greenish eyes danced as she rests her head to the side of her hand and she looks at me with a big smile.

"What's so funny?" I nearly pouted.

"Nothing, I just didn't think you'd do something like that- I like it," she gets up from the chair and grips my waist and presses me to a nearby wall.

Damnit, I was suppose to pin her to the wall. This is not going as planned.

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